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StupidToCut View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Posted: Dec 20, 2001 at 10:59pm
That is the only way to describe what my hair is. Why? I don`t know really, I guess because I thought having short hair like everyone else was better than having beautiful, blonde hair down to my waiste that I have been growing for years and have never recieved anything but compliments on. I mean I wanted it done, stupid me walks into the salon and asks to have my hair chopped into a chin length straight across SHORT cut that I can do nothin with but leave down. I can`t pull it back, I can do basically nothing. It will takeprobobly months to reach my shoulders again, altought all that means is I will look like more people. I was very popular too, and I`m sure this will effect it. Almost no one has even seen it yet and I think I`m gonna drop out of school for a few years. When I saw the hair on the floor it was like I went into shock, and I am still very upset, and probobly will be for a while. Don`t cut your long hair, despite what people on this board tell you, it is not better than long hair, just more ordinarry.

Hello_Kitty View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 13, 2001
Location: UK
Posted: Dec 21, 2001 at 10:59pm
Reply to message: 7.1348.1
erm...u woz stupid

Nancy999 View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 10, 2001
Posted: Dec 21, 2001 at 10:59pm
I am so sorry for you. I have made mistakes like that in the past. Did you just break up with your boyfriend or something? Were jealous women telling you to cut your beautiful hair? I agree short hair is boring.

duke View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 11, 2000
Posted: Dec 21, 2001 at 10:59pm
Reply to message: 7.1351.1
Sorry to hear this. Get hair vitamins. They`ll help your hair grow.

Waggy View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 03, 2001
Posted: Dec 21, 2001 at 10:59pm
Look at it this way - EVERYBODY should do it once just to get it out of their system and to show you NEVER to make that mistake again...wags

gmoney View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 16, 2000
Posted: Dec 21, 2001 at 10:59pm
Reply to message: 7.1348.1

I am really sorry to hear what happened to you. It always makes me sad when i see or hear about a girl in your situation. I have always found long hair to be so beautiful, and it always seems weird to me that so many girls cut it off for whatever reason, then almost immediately grow it back long.

It is a terrible shame that you now have to go through this experience too, but hopefully you will have learnt from this experience and will not think about getting it chopped again.

If you need anyone to offer you some support with growing your hair out again, please feel to contact me, either via here or directly to my email which is

Take care & best wishes


Hello_Kitty View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 13, 2001
Location: UK
Posted: Dec 22, 2001 at 10:59pm
Reply to message: 7.1359.1
so what bobs r better...gawd it`ll gro back

LonghairTeen View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 11, 2001
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Dec 25, 2001 at 10:59pm
I don`t know, I`m still struggling with not having my long hair. Describing myself with short hair is wierd, like if I told somebody what I looked like it would be wierd for me to even say, I have short blonde hair. It doesn`t look bad though, and I guess if I can maintain my popularity, and I`m not trying to sound conceited, with short hair than I will not be afraid of it. I think I plan to grow it again but I guess I should probobly just take the oppurtunity to just look different and flaunt my short, straight hair. I doubt I will go Katie U`s route, but maybe you`ll see me in short hair for a while. Keep in mind I am in tears while writing this. But oh well, I`m gonna use the hair I hav well.

AmberJune View Drop Down
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Joined: Jan 10, 2002
Posted: Feb 07, 2002 at 10:59pm
I was reading through the posts and found it disturbing that there were a couple RUDE posts. If you don`t have any thing nice to say.. or suggestions about her mistake then don`t say anything at all. It will come back on you one of these days when you make a mistake!

Anyways... I`m so sorry to hear that you cut your hair! Being able to grow it long is such blessing! Just to be on the positive side... think of how you can grow it back to be in the best, healthiest, way possible! Yes, your going to hate your hair for awhile I`m sure, but it will grow back before long! Just be patient.... (o:

PinkPoodle View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 31, 2002
Location: US
Posted: Feb 11, 2002 at 10:59pm
I totally agree with AmberJune. I was just reading all of this stuff, and while to some people, it may seem really strange to some people to freak out over hair, but when your hair is that long... it can feel like a limb was amputated! I just think that some people should be more considerate, and not post things that are offensive in any way.

Amyyma View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 20, 2002
Location: England
Posted: Mar 21, 2002 at 10:59pm
My [EX] Boyfriend dared me to cut my waist length blonde hair, he`d been goading me for ages, I snapped and cut it off about 18 inch, to 4 and 10 inches [It was hideous, worst mullet style!] - Obviously I realise now that he was a control-freak-psycho & I was a TOTAL idiot to even listen, but my point is that I`d never appreciated how important hair is and how lost I`d feel without it, so I can empathise with you- I felt OK for about 10 minutes, then went into a depression that lasted months!! it wasn`t all to do with hair, but that certainly didn`t help; But as others have already said, look on the positive side; everyone [Well, all us mere mortals] have to make these mistakes and we learn. It will grow back, if that`s what you want, teen-hair grows the fastest! so just make the most of the experience `cos it`ll only be the once, and soon it`ll be just a bad but useful memory, honest. The stuff about massaging your head etc does work - it still takes time but I do believe the more you put into it really does help - vitamins, stimulating the circulation, conditioning, hanging upside down [I was desperate] Good Luck

Lyris View Drop Down
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Posted: Apr 15, 2002 at 10:59pm
Your hair won`t affect your popularity (Keri Russell is the exception, not the rule.) Your friends didn`t flock to you because your hair was long and pretty--they like you because you`re fun to be around. Embrace your new look and make it your own---the only way it won`t look right is if you act like it doesn`t fit you. And hair grows back too! :-)

Lynn View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 10, 2001
Posted: Apr 19, 2002 at 10:59pm does grow back, but what if you`re hairdresser cut it shorter than you specified and you HAVE to have it in a bun for an upcoming theatre production next month? Someone`s suggested hair vitamins, do you have any suggestions? Does anyone? Please e-mail any to me at!

amykitten View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 01, 2002
Location: adelaide, australia
Posted: Apr 29, 2002 at 10:59pm
i`d try vitamins and twice-daily scalp massages. if you can`t get your hair up, try lots of gel, lots of hairspray and lots of bobby pins! if you can afford it, you could try one of those bun hairpieces someone posted the link to above- i don`t know how secure it would be dancing, but if your hair isn`t forming a bun, it`s worth a shot! the best thing i have found for getting short hair into a bun though is a bun net- twist your hair around as far as it will go, put the net over (and over again if it`s too loose), and pin. your hair stays in the bun, no matter what size, and bits don`t fall out!

Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 30, 2000
Posted: Nov 15, 2002 at 10:59pm
"LovesitShort" it sounds like you don`t care much about how hair looks but are "into" short hair for other reasons. That`s okay, but for women who really care how their hair looks, cutting long hair short can really eat into how they feel about themselves. Having hair is obviously a nuisance to you, but for many of us, long hair just compliments who we are!

I completely emphathize with women who have cut long hair short and hate it. It is a %$#@! to grow out. Sure, there are lots of little tricks into making it tolerable, but it`s heartbreaking to have to wait so long.

I do understand that some people really do like their hair short after it`s been long. But the problem is that you don`t know if you`re one of those kinds of people until it`s too late!

Thus, the only safe way to go from long to short is is steps. Cut off a LITTLE. Wait a couple of weeks. Then cut off a LITTLE more. You keep going until you`re happy with the length.

If someone has had long hair most of their lives, there is probably a reason. It`s very rare that someone goes from very long to very short and loves it. If they really love it so much, it makes no sense that they held onto long hair for so long.

Anyone who says, "Just go for it -- you`ll love sexy short hair!" is probably just trying to justify her own actions.

Let`s face it -- long hair is a much more rare and precious commodity than short hair. It`s super easy to chop it off. But it is not so easy to let it grow!

NEVER, NEVER let anyone talk you into cutting it off. If you really think you want it shorter (and undoubtedly SOME do), then do it in steps. FAR more people have been devastated by short generic hair than those who "love" it. Fetishers shouldn`t speak up on the subject because they do not understand the trauma chopping can do to someone.

Although the original post was written awhile ago, I hope her hair is growing and she feels better about herself! We`re with you and support you all the way!


hairalways View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 06, 2002
Posted: Nov 19, 2002 at 10:59pm
Hey - I can relate to what you re going through. Ignore all of the rude people on this board for starters. Remeber, something drove you to want the change. You found short hair cute and sexy - or you would not have gone in and had it done. Both types of hair are sexy. Long and short - not because of the length, but becasue the person wearing the style exhudes confidence. If you take good care of your hair and style it to look good, then that is all that matters. Long hair can look aweful just as easily as short hair. It`s all about the person. I have grown my hair out from short pixies to brastrap lengths 3 times in the last 7 years and have had every style in between. I can tell you that my popularity did not waver at any point because I made sure to enjoy every phase and make myself look good in everyone of them.

Think about allof the gorgeous women with short hair - Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry.....

Life gives you lemons, make lemondade!! Then out some in your hair cuz it adds highlights!!LOL

Enjoy you new style.


Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 30, 2000
Posted: Nov 19, 2002 at 10:59pm
Hi Jacqui,

It`s nice that you found something positive in short hair, but obviously the original poster didn`t! Everyone with short, regular hair boasts about how easy it is to take care of, but some of us would rather look great than not spend much time on our appearances!

Personally, it`s how you feel about your own hair. If you don`t like it, then there`s very little anyone can say or do to make it better. In fact, trying to talk someone into liking her chopped off hair is like telling her that she has bad taste because she doesn`t like it!

With all due respect, you`ve never really had long hair, so it`s difficult for you to know how it feels. Waist-length hair is almost rare these days, which is such a shame, because it really feels incredible!


hairalways View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 06, 2002
Posted: Nov 28, 2002 at 10:59pm
With all due respect Jennifer - I have had waist length hair - Just not in the past 7 years. (Read the post a little better next time).
Firstly - You wrote that nothing a person can say can make another person feel better about their hair or make them like short hair. If this is true - then why are these boards here? Why is this person even posting here? What are we giving her positive support for? I for one am a huge believer in the power of words.
Thirdly - My last quote sums my message to this girl up. "Life gives you lemons, make lemonade" - In essence, you have two choices, sit there and cry for about two years and hate yourself becasue your hair is not long - or make lemonade - meaning, look in the mirror and find a way to love and enjoy your hair as it is until it reaches that point.

Sheesh - Your need to attack my supportive post to this girl is quite strange. Off topic and unnecessary too.

hairalways View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 06, 2002
Posted: Nov 28, 2002 at 10:59pm
I just noticed that you attacked someone else`s post just above me too. Seems that you are quite opinionated ( I have your read your take on long hair) - yet you will not allow anyone else to voice their opinions......hmmmm. Are you in America? I did not see what country you are posting from. In case you didn`t know, we here in the USA have been entitled to our wn opinions for about 200+ years now. Take note that I have not attacked any of your opinions in my posts. Now, you do the same.

Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 30, 2000
Posted: Nov 28, 2002 at 10:59pm
[QUOTE=hairalways] With all due respect Jennifer - I have had waist length hair - Just not in the past 7 years. (Read the post a little better next time).
Firstly - You wrote that nothing a person can say can make another person feel better about their hair or make them like short hair. If this is true - then why are these boards here? Why is this person even posting here? What are we giving her positive support for? I for one am a huge believer in the power of words.
Thirdly - My last quote sums my message to this girl up. "Life gives you lemons, make lemonade" - In essence, you have two choices, sit there and cry for about two years and hate yourself becasue your hair is not long - or make lemonade - meaning, look in the mirror and find a way to love and enjoy your hair as it is until it reaches that point.

Sheesh - Your need to attack my supportive post to this girl is quite strange. Off topic and unnecessary too.
>>>>You wrote that nothing a person can say can make another person feel better about their hair or make them like short hair. If this is true - then why are these boards here?

How about.....information! There`s a lot of great information shared here. However, when a woman cuts her hair short and hates it, then all the short-haired people often rally around her and tell her that (in essence) her opinion doesn`t matter because short hair is really better-looking anyway.

>>>I have had waist length hair - Just not in the past 7 years. (Read the post a little better next time).

Then write more carefully! I can only read what you write, and I see nothing about having waist-length hair in your post above.

>>>Why is this person even posting here?

I can`t speculate on another person`s motives. But perhaps she`d like to see how others handled the same situation. Just hearing "Oh, you`ll just LOVE short hair," is not supportive, in my opinion. You`re ignoring how she really feels.

It`s as if short-haired people don`t really care how she feels. They know that THEY like short hair, so everyone should! It just isn`t that way.


karonica View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 17, 2002
Location: Chocolate City
Posted: Nov 29, 2002 at 10:59pm
Jennifer, it`s not ignoring how she feels. They`re simply trying to help her feel better (ed. to say SOME are trying to comfort her, apparently not all). Short hair is just as versatile as long hair. I know if I was in her position, I would feel comforted that there are some people who see short hair as harmless and even stylish and sexy, not just at this board, but elsewhere. Jacqui simply said that she had waist length hair but not in the last 7 years. And even so, Jacqui did have long hair! Bra-strap length hair is long. You may not consider it to be, but it is to me and countless other people.

Anyways, to the person that started this thread, hang in there. In time, your hair will grow back. In the meantime, take care of what you already have, because the only way hair will grow longer is if you keep the hair you already have. And since it is probably too late to offer any suggestions about your hair for the production, there are plenty of ways to attach a bun to short hair. The only catch is that it has to be able to make it to a ponytail. Then, you can attach hair (similar to your own natural color and texture, or even not if you choose. Playing with color is alot of fun) wrap it around the ponytail into the bun that you desire. But the key is you must use plenty of hairpins! Trust me, you do not want the hair detaching in a public moment. :D

I hope that everything has worked out extremely well for you. :)

Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 30, 2000
Posted: Nov 29, 2002 at 10:59pm
Hi Karonica,

Perhaps we`ll agree to disagree. But I think a lot of times when people vent, they first of all want their feelings acknowledged. To say that they "shouldn`t" feel the way they do is telling the person not to trust her own feelings. Yes, we`re delving into a bit of psychology here, but really think about it. If you did something you really disliked to your hair, would you rather your feelings be ignored and that you should instead love your hair? Or would you rather someone simply be sympathetic and say, "Yes, I understand that you don`t like it right now." Simple validation goes a long ways. After the validation, one can offer suggestions on how to make the best of the situation.

Btw, Jaci saying that she had waist-length hair was only in her last thread. Unless I`m mistaken, nowhere else in the thread had she written it.


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