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 Angelina's Pony Hair Handbag

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glamourgirl25 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 05, 2008
Posted: Feb 16, 2013 at 12:11am
A friend of mine just found a great deal on one of the auction sites of a pony-hair bag from Akris.  I was helping her research whether the bag would be good or not. 

During my search I discovered that back in 2010 Angelina Jolie not only bought an Akris pony hair bag, she had her fashion stylist research how the bag was made to make sure that no horses or ponies were harmed in making of the bag.  Apparently Akris designer Albert Kriemler told Angie's fashion stylist that the horses are not harmed to get their hair.  They simply get haircuts and that hair is used for pony hair bags.

Fascinating.  Right?

A few years ago the word on the street was that Angie encouraged her long time celebrity hairstylist who started Wild Aide which was a hair care company benefiting wild animals...with Kate Hudson as a move forward with his company since it helped animals. 

It was cool to see that she apparently really cares about animal. Angie is know for her humanitarian projects but not particularly for a concern over animals.  Nice to see this.  It sets a good example.

Although this post is not about Angelina's hair it's about hair...sort of.  LOL. 

What do you think?  Does this show Angie is worried about animals being harmed unnecessarily in the name of fashion?

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Feb 16, 2013 at 12:11am
Thank you so much for posting this.  It's an interesting piece of info.

I hope your friend found a great deal because those Akris bags are gorgeous...and they are very pricey brand new.  The current 2013 horsehair bag starts around $4,000.  Yikes.  Handmade and gorgeous, but still very pricey.

Yes, Angelina's long time celebrity hairstylist - David Babaii - has been quoted as saying Angelina encouraged him to start WildAide which was a hair line developed to support wild animal refuges with Kate Hudson.

The line was eventually absorbed by another company although Babaii is supposedly working on another hair care line which will also support animals.

Babaii has said that Angie cares about animal cruelty issues.  Ironically the Akris bags are often made with calf skins and other related animal hides.

The ponyhair bag where she had her stylist call the company was featured in the Spring of 2010.  Not sure if she bought any other bags from Akris?

When I think of Angie I always think of her hair and not so much her fashions although she always looks stunning.

Thanks again for sharing this celeb juice. 

shinninglikeme View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Posted: Oct 04, 2013 at 12:11am
Pony hair bags Without harming them. Is quiet possible,
THAN I want one too, please upload some pictures if you can

Dayla View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 06, 2014
Location: USA
Posted: Apr 07, 2014 at 12:11am
Well I think that Angie does not like it when animals are harmed so I am sure that is the full intent.

shinning_likeme View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: May 21, 2013
Location: India
Posted: May 07, 2014 at 12:11am
So pony hair bags are made out of Pony tail or mane hair you mean?

Thats shocking
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