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 Stomach Bug - Will You Call In Sick?

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julia002 View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 09, 2013
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 at 11:06pm

As if the first flu which hit the US wasn't enough, now there is a second flu-like illness which is in reality a new strain of the stomach bug sweeping the globe.  Health officials say that the newest bug is called the Sydney strain.

Since September of 2011, more than 140 outbreaks in the U.S. have been caused by the new Sydney strain of norovirus.

It is not considered dangerous. But it is different, and many people might not be able to fight off its gut-wrenching effects.

The new strain is making people sick in Japan, Western Europe, and other parts of the world.   In the U.S., it is now accounting for about 60 percent of norovirus outbreaks, according to report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 at 11:06pm
I hope everyone who is sick stays home. 

I have gotten sick in the past from people coming to work who were sick...knew they were sick....but thought they could tough it out.

Whenever I feel like I'm getting sick I immediately go into self-imposed quarantine.

Ericachristina View Drop Down
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Joined: Mar 12, 2012
Location: USA
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 at 11:06pm
We had something similar going around in Toronto in December it was terrible. We had some cousins who came to visit after having it and by Christmas my entire family went down hard. It was terrible and caused weakness, pains, and uncontrollable vomiting. I was the only one who didn't get it very bad, just some stomach pains so I was up making soup and warming up hot water bottles and making tea for my entire family, Christmas dinner wasn't very eventful.

Lets hope people stay home.Ericachristina2013-01-25 19:06:33
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