Posted: Nov 17, 2012 at 11:02pm
Ive started a new youtube channel aimed at helping women of all color on makeup tips, skin care, weaves/extensions, and fashion...
From products, to tips and tricks, my big difference is doing honest reviews on products and weave/extensions not just those (reviews of hair 1-3weeks max, wig wearing once in a blue moon ) types of videos, but ones, of 1,2 and 3 month reviews, workout in hair, sleep in it, that women get an honest opinion, same with other products etc, discuss how it reacts to skin, makes you shiny, etc...
But i dont know what else i should incorporate or what women of different ages are looking for, so please leave suggestions, please check out my youtube channel, and let me know what i need to improve on, each day ive taken suggestions and made changes, so leave honest and helpful opinions...