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 Have You Heard Of Campodimele?

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dfunno View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 06, 2012
Posted: Aug 22, 2012 at 6:26am
Campodimele is a town and community in the province of Latina, in the Lazio region of central Italy.

It's located on a steep Karstic hill, between the Monti Ausoni and Monti Aurunci ranges. The economy is mostly based on agriculture.

It's known as a fountain of youth-berg.  It has a record number of octogenerians and those over 100.  The people there are known to live to a very ripe old age but also remain very healthy even in very advanced years.

The town is relatively small with approximately 850-1,000 people.  The World Health organization sent a team to study the town to try and determine the secret to why people live to be such a healthy old age.  Many live to at least 95 and even more live over 100.

The people there claim that olive oil is one of their big secrets.  The villagers also have been found to have a unique enzyme in their blood which helps to control cholesterol and high blood pressure.

The majority of the villagers walk about 2 hours a day, they rarely eat red meat and they drink red wine on a regular basis.  There is also a complete lack of stress in the village, it's by the sea which has fresh air and there is rarely any pollution.

Have you ever considered visiting this village?
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