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 What is Method Acting?

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tom391990 View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 29, 2011
Posted: Oct 29, 2011 at 12:02am
Method acting, or as it is sometimes simply known, the Method, is a technique used by actors. Method acting is thought to have revolutionized acting as we known it today. It is the antithesis of the wooden actor and uses techniques such as sense and memory to achieve realism in acting. Actors who use the Method rely on using their own emotions from their past in order to bring new depth to a part.

toffinpill View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 27, 2011
Location: Bahamas
Posted: Nov 27, 2011 at 12:02am
It is the antithesis of the wooden actor and uses techniques such as sense and memory to achieve realism in acting. Acting is becoming very very popular.

Juliaagv58 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 18, 2013
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Jul 20, 2013 at 12:02am
Disney, Walt Disraeli, Benjamin Dijkstra, Edsger Djilas, Milovan Dobson, James Dogg, Snoop Doherty, Peter Dolphy, Eric Domeyko, Ignacy Dominus, Mark-Jason Donne, John Dornfest, Rael Dostoevsky, Fyodor Douglas, Donald Douglas, Kirk Douglas, Tommy Douglass, David Douglass, Frederick Doyle, Arthur Conan Drake, Nick Dreiser, Theodore Duff, Hilary Dumas
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