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 Will shorter hair be less curly?

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Elegios View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Posted: Aug 22, 2009 at 11:06pm
I have type 3a curly hair and I'm not a huge fan of it.  I always have to straighten my hair for me to be satisfied.  The only problem with that is I don't like fussing with my hair.  I want to blowdry it and get going.
I've thought about going short (pixie cut short/boy cut short/very short) and was wondering if it would make my hair less or more curly.  I figured that if the hair is short enough, there won't be enough length for it to curl.
I'll be fine with having more wavy hair than curly, if that's what it comes down to, I guess.  I just don't like my hair the way it is now.
I look forward to any help I can get :-)

Sparrowhawk1161 View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Posted: Dec 19, 2011 at 11:06pm
Sure... Cutting hair reduces weight, because it reduces weight, the curls will have less weight to keep them under control and the curls will become more pronounced.  So, cutting only increases curled over time.  Not good
If you wanted a bob like cut or anything shorter, you will really have to work on the curles since there is no weight to compensate... so it's worse... anjd curlyt hair does not stay straightened for long... and most important thing that could ever be said?
Guys love it!!
Basically...shorter hair makes hair more curly.
Bad news.
So, let's find something better,
Short won't do it... your hair will be more puffed out.  Taking the sides and butting it in a clasp is good.
The question is, why haven't you found that your curls with a clasp in the back of your head... so unattractive.  Who's telling you that?  I bet you did that...and something seems wrong...
What? Jealuos girl...make her that way...she can't have it... the last thing you want to do is dsestroy it for her... she gets her way.
OK... I am a guy who likes hair... so why in the hell would I be on here?  Curly hair is fun for guys... they are just wondering where all those curls come from..,. and a surprise at the end.  Surpise comes later...
First...I don't think you need to do anything to those curls.  I think they are great.  There are cheerleaders who want those curls who mock you and throw you into a pit.. .Right?  It's cause they hate them and they want those curls and all that length.  THey do that...make feel your nothing... becasue you are something...
Never get fooled into thinking anything.  I think your hair is fine.  But, I also think that their are so many jealous people out their they would do Anything, Anything... to kill the beautiful you all ready have.
I'm 50...but... 15 isa right around corner from memory and if I saw hair likew yours, I would melt... and recede into the walls... you would look for me and you would really have to find me.  Experience says..."Do'nt mlet any one tell you what to do with your looks.

Sparrowhawk1161 View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Posted: Dec 19, 2011 at 11:06pm
One last thing?
When you look in the mirror for first time during the day... bedhead... nightgown and all.  Stop!  Clear your mind of all images.  You are in your own world... it has nothing in it.  There is no trees no buildings... no ground... just you floating in nothingness.  Slow your heart down... this is your time... no one bothers you... turn of the bathroom lights and fan...if you have to... just to get a silence that is all yours.;.. and just focus and breath... breath deeper and breath deeper... for about 5 minutes or so... or more.
Find light switch, and look at yourself, with practice, you will see your true self... not... what you want people to see.. but, what you actually are.  do it with practice... and eventually you might really see yourself...
Ther4e so much I could teach you from seeing just yourself... see if you can find it...

fadrickstar View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 24, 2011
Posted: Dec 24, 2011 at 11:06pm
Sharyg11 View Drop Down
Joined: May 05, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 08, 2012 at 11:06pm
Not necesarily. It depends of what kind of curly hair you have. Type 3a hair, wich is very loose, wide, shiny curls, is usually straigter when short. And it gets curlier as it gets longer. Think Julia Roberts.
Type 3b hair is curlier. The curls are also tighter and less shiny. Think Kerrie Russel. This type of hair is curlier when it is short. The shorter the curlier. So you need to figure out what type of hair you have.
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