So I've been growing out my eyebrows since January. Some of the hairs have grown back but the ones that I want to grow back or just NOT growing back :( I'm assuming I have stunned the growth we overplucking and waxing. My eyebrows are pretty thin and want them to grow in thicker. How long is the normal eyebrow growth process? I have used rogaine, billion dollar brows and now I'm using castor oil lol. Any input out there? thanks!!!
I'm using castor oil as well....I'm noticing a slight difference. My mother swears by carrot oil. I've also heard that Jamaican Black castor Oil works better than regular castor oil. HTH
i heard if you shave ur eyebrows they start to grow back...i use to know someone that went to a lady that would do her eyebrows and what ever part that didn't grow she would shave it and she said that it was helping