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 What Type Of Work Do You All Do?

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Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Oct 13, 2006 at 4:25pm
So a little bit about the work that I do....
I am not a licensed cosmetologist...although I wish that I had gone to beauty school at this point.
My degrees are in sociology & psychology with an advanced degree in business.  Yes...very weird combo. 
To pay my way through college I worked part jobs from being a checker at Kroger (total hell), working in a bakery (gained weight), a nurse's aide, food service worker in a hospital, librarian, government worker, sold insurance and keyboard player in a band (we played dances & weddings).  Anything to get money for school and living expenses.
When I got out of school I had misplaced visions of being Florence Nightingale and working in prisons (I love True Crime books).  I never got there.  My teachers in college were horrifed that I was so naive and wanted to hang out in "the big house".  They pushed me back into graduate school to save me from myself.  :-)
Long story the first job I got as a "social worker" out of college they immediately decided I should be the agency's official computer person and handed me a box of programming books to study.  My bosses gave me the weekend to learn to program SPSS and SAS canned statistical programs because they had a big deadline and no one knew how to write the programs. 
Somehow I struggled through it and that was the beginning of a completely different career than I ever imagined having in my wildest dreams.  Eventually I went back to school to learn all the major software programs including C and C++ and became a bona fide "geekette".
I spent my entire new "career" after college working in some computer related capacity (programmer, systems analyst, IT specialist, trainer...etc) until I got a job in a telecom software company and was trained to be a systems engineer which required lots of technical writing.  Eventually I was put in charge of engineering, training and tech writing for the company.
By 1995 I started my own telecom software company - T&S Software with my sweet husband (& business partner) of close to 25 years who died suddenly 18 months ago.  (No I have not completely recovered but am better than I was right after it happened and getting better every day).
Also in 1995 through a series of interesting twists and turns I got sucked into The Long Hair Video website via my long time hairdresser (who is not my hairdresser anymore) which then resulted in me starting the site in 1996. 
As a result of starting I have taken every hair correspondence and video course I can find.  I even took courses on cutting hair but not sure how good I am.  :-)
Back in St. Louis (where I grew up) in the 80s I started writing for pay with my first paid assignment being a monthly astrology column for a teen magazine.
From the astology column I eventually was writing all sorts of free lance stuff from health and beauty to business and engineering.
In 2001 I was hired to write a monthly hair advice column for 3 hair related magazines (101 Celebrity Hairstyles, Total Beauty Image, Short Cuts Magazine) and still am writing the columns. 
Recently I was hired to write two "celebrity" hair blogs for a celebrity photography website.  Lots of fun but lots of work because it is a daily requirement.  Sometimes I think I took on too much with that last assignment. :-(  I tend to bite off way too much to chew sometimes.
If someone asks me what type of work I do I often & telecom work.  Which of course leaves them totally befuddled.  And sometimes I am confused what I do as well since I catch myself coming and going.
The good news is that I never get bored and running two competely different type of companies with completely different types of challenging. 
And the employees...well that is a story for another day.  :-)
So now that I have blabbered on...please share your work stories with me. 
Karen Shelton2006-10-13 19:56:47

Debbie View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Oct 18, 2002
Posted: Oct 13, 2006 at 4:25pm
Hi Karen!  WOW you are one woman that has done just about everything!  I am so sorry about your husbands death!  My condolences!  I am a stay at home wife.  I think that is what you say. Although I do have a nursing degree, that I have not used in ages!  I Hope it is okay that I posted here, I found something that caught my eye!  Have a nice day!  Debbie

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Oct 13, 2006 at 4:25pm
Hi Debbie,
Of course it OK to post here.  You are welcome everywhere and a VIP person here at HairTalk.  I always appreciate your feedback and interest in the topics.
I had no idea you had been in nursing.  That is such a difficult profession.  When I was working as a nurse's aide I thought at first I wanted to be a nurse but when I saw what they went through....I couldn't even consider it after that.
Thanks for the note of condolences.  Once of these days in my spare time (yeah right) I am going to do some writing about Michael's death since it was so sudden and how grief is such a shocking experience if you have never gone through it with someone so close as a spouse.  I actually kept a journal every day of what I was going through so hopefully I can some day help others get through it with less agony.
I think it's cool you have dedicated yourself to your family.  That is one of the hardest jobs out there.  Your family is very lucky.
Have a great weekend and thanks for your response.
Best wishes,
Karen Shelton2006-10-13 19:57:27

babycheeks24 View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 17, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 14, 2006 at 4:25pm
intersting jobs you have:)
I work in Rehab counseling ( drug treatment) that is also what my degree is in.

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Oct 14, 2006 at 4:25pm
Thanks for sharing.
I imagine this is a very challenging profession but I am sure it is definitely interesting. 
Have you been doing for a long time? 

elvira View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 21, 2005
Posted: Oct 15, 2006 at 4:25pm

Karen, I am also so, so sorry about the loss of your husband. He must have been a great guy!

Your truly an amazing woman with all that you have done and been through. I look at my life as many different chapters because I have done so many different things that I can't remember everything.
Jobs: First job at Kentucky Fried Chicken, worked as a waitress and bartender all over the country, did some modeling, worked on a shrimp boat, landscaping, construction, secretary, and went to nursing school when I was 39. I was working in a hospital but got a hernia from lifting a patient. I started my little side hair extension business so that I could experiment in making things for hair extensions. But I hate having the business because I hate sales. I just want to invent things and do research which is my true passion.  I am going to be getting another nursing job where I don't have to lift heavy patients. Mabey school nurse, not sure. I love change so I'm not worried where I'll be next!

metalgirl View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 06, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 20, 2006 at 4:25pm
I went to cosmetology school, graduated and started working in a salon in 1990.
While working in a salon, I went back to college and got my bachelor's degree in marketing.  I briefly worked in outside sales and management.  Yuck, I hated those jobs.
I love working with hair, and I will stay in this career, but I am looking into my other interests too.  I am interested in doing physical therapy and rehab for dogs, as well as accupuncture and massage for animals.  You need to be a Vet Tech and then take special training to become an animal PT.
At this point, I really would like to pursue that venue but I have some serious things to consider.  First and foremost, since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year ( a degenerative nerve disease), I don't know how long I will be able to continue working.  Hopefully for as long as I want, but the disease can become dehabilitating at any time. 
 Also, cognitive problems (short term memory loss, unable to multi-task, easy confusion, speech problems, etc) are quite common in people with MS.  I don't exhibit any of those symptoms at the momment, but I am worried of commiting myself to more college and then being unable to finish it because I have a disease that may turn me into a retard.  With my degree in marketing, I graduated at the top of my class, so to have any cognitive problems would be nothing short of the end of the world for me.
PS- Karen, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's death.  I can't imagine how difficult that must be for you.  Life can be cruel sometimes.  I older I get, the more harsh I feel life becomes for myself and others!
Looking forward to reading other's posts!
metalgirl2006-10-20 11:56:16

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Oct 20, 2006 at 4:25pm

Karen, I am also so, so sorry about the loss of your husband. He must have been a great guy!

Your truly an amazing woman with all that you have done and been through. I look at my life as many different chapters because I have done so many different things that I can't remember everything.
Jobs: First job at Kentucky Fried Chicken, worked as a waitress and bartender all over the country, did some modeling, worked on a shrimp boat, landscaping, construction, secretary, and went to nursing school when I was 39. I was working in a hospital but got a hernia from lifting a patient. I started my little side hair extension business so that I could experiment in making things for hair extensions. But I hate having the business because I hate sales. I just want to invent things and do research which is my true passion.  I am going to be getting another nursing job where I don't have to lift heavy patients. Mabey school nurse, not sure. I love change so I'm not worried where I'll be next!
Hi Elvira,
Thank you for sharing your story.  WOW how interesting to travel around the country like that.  One year I went to Mardi Gras and was talking to a waitor at Pat O'Brien's and he told me that he traveled around the country working the seasons.  I had no idea what he meant but he told me ski season in Denver and then Mardi Gras and then various festivals in the Summers.  I was fascinated.  He loved the life and had friends all over the US.  It sounds like what you did.
Yes...sales is the hardest part of any business.  I totally hear you on that.  I actually don't mind sales (am pretty good at it) but only because I have learned not to "sell" but to just share information.  That way I never feel that I am pushing anyone to do anything they don't want to do.  Which used to be my problem with selling.
I wish I could help you so that you didn't have to go back to lifting patients.  That has to be very hard on your body over time. 
My aunt was a nurse for a utility company in St. Louis and they treated her like a goddess and she never really had to do a lot of hard core nursing.  She loved it.  So a school nurse might be very cool.
Thanks for the kinds words about my husband.  The thing that I learned from his sudden passing is how strong I really am and that it is very important to appreciate everyone and everything in your life at that moment and not put it off.  So I have gotten better and thanking people and letting them know how I feel about them.
So thank you for participating on the forums.  I appreciate that very much.

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Oct 20, 2006 at 4:25pm
[QUOTE=metalgirl]I went to cosmetology school, graduated and started working in a salon in 1990.
While working in a salon, I went back to college and got my bachelor's degree in marketing.  I briefly worked in outside sales and management.  Yuck, I hated those jobs.
I love working with hair, and I will stay in this career, but I am looking into my other interests too.  I am interested in doing physical therapy and rehab for dogs, as well as accupuncture and massage for animals.  You need to be a Vet Tech and then take special training to become an animal PT.
At this point, I really would like to pursue that venue but I have some serious things to consider.  First and foremost, since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year ( a degenerative nerve disease), I don't know how long I will be able to continue working.  Hopefully for as long as I want, but the disease can become dehabilitating at any time. 
 Also, cognitive problems (short term memory loss, unable to multi-task, easy confusion, speech problems, etc) are quite common in people with MS.  I don't exhibit any of those symptoms at the momment, but I am worried of commiting myself to more college and then being unable to finish it because I have a disease that may turn me into a retard.  With my degree in marketing, I graduated at the top of my class, so to have any cognitive problems would be nothing short of the end of the world for me.
PS- Karen, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's death.  I can't imagine how difficult that must be for you.  Life can be cruel sometimes.  I older I get, the more harsh I feel life becomes for myself and others!
Looking forward to reading other's posts!
Hi MetalGirl,
Thank you for your words about my husband. 
I am very sorry to hear about your MS.  I can only imagine how scary that must be for you Metal.  I had a co-worker who had MS and she absolutely refused to give in to any of the symptoms as long as possible and she managed to do well for 10 years.  But she was scared of the same issues you mentioned with the speech and the other effects of the disease.
I can only imagine how your health situation can be a very challenging concern but hopefully you will be able to stretch your time before any of the difficult side effects take hold. 
I am actually jealous of your cosmetology background as I would love to have time to take formal classes in a real school setting.  I actually go to an acupunturist here in Dallas and he has helped me a lot over the years with health issues that traditional medicine couldn't help me with.
I appreciate all your posts.  You always have great things to say. 
Thank you for sharing your story.  It was very touching. 

asinnamon View Drop Down
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Joined: Apr 02, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 23, 2006 at 4:25pm
Hey girls!  It's so interesting to read these posts!  I am a stay at home mom of 2.  My son is 5 and just started kindergarten, my daughter will be 3 in December.  They keep my busy all the time!  I also have 3 cats and a dog.  I have been married since 98. 
Before I was a SAHM(stay at home mom) I was in accounting.  I worked for an as*hole for awhile before I got married, quit, got married and took a 10month vacation.  Then I got a fabulous job working for a lumber company.  Loved it, went from part time to assistant controller in 10 months.  They offered me a position in thier Phoenix, AZ subsidiary to computerize and head the accounting department.  We moved 2 weeks later, from NH to AZ.  It was a lot of work, but so worth it.  BEing out there with out family(besides hubby) really shaped me asa person.  JIm and I really became a team and truly best freinds.  In our almost 4 years out there we biult a house, had a baby, traveled alot(Vegas is boring now), got pregnant again and sold a house.  I will always want to move back.
Since then I have found my creative side and have so many new hobbies I could and have fill a basement!  I knit, crochet, crossstitch, sculpt, make jewelry, and ofcourse hair extensions!  I love making things, it keeps me sane.  I also own and operate Sinnamon Design Studio making beaded jewelry with mostly semiprecious gemstones.  I go back and forth about which is my favorite craft.  Sometimes it's beading because it is instant gratification, sometimes it's counted crossstitch because I can just zone out and follow a pattern....
So, thats me....being a mom is challenging, but fun...just today my son gave us the bird because his friend Spencer showed him how on the bus...LOLLOL

metalgirl View Drop Down
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Joined: Dec 06, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 23, 2006 at 4:25pm
I love doing crafts too.  I like to do stained glass, mosaics, jewelry making, PMC, polymer clay, bead embriodery, and beading on a loom.
Do you have any pictures of your work?  Love to see it!

asinnamon View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 02, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 24, 2006 at 4:25pm
I have a website that is slowly growing. I'm really excited to start using Artclay this winter!  How do you find the PMC towork with?  I tried working with polymer clay with marginal success.  My hands tend to get too hot when I'm working with it and it gets really messy.  
I've just gotten into the seed beading stitches.  I haven't tried the loom work yet tho.  Do you use delicas on a loom, or any type of seed bead?  Mostly tho, I love making unique necklaces.  Nothing too over the top, but still special and unique. 

juliap View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 04, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 4:25pm
Hey this is really interesting it is neat seeing glimpses of what other peoples lives are like.  I have done several things in my ten years that I have been married.  My husband and I never want to have regular jobs and like for are jobs to be whatever makes us happy.  So far we have been candlemakers, commercial crabbers, I have sold mexican dresses on the internet, he has been a schoolteacher,  we have had vending machines, he made wooden lathe turned bowls and placed them in a gallery, we have remodled houses for years,  and I keep a couple of RV park websites for my relatives.  The remodling is what has really supported us over the years and recently we have been building houses.  I have also been blessed to be able to travel some.  I have been into the mountains of Mexico,  have traveled to Germany, and the Czech Republic were my husbands family is from.  I recently had my first child (Austin)after nine years of marriage.  I never planned on having children but now I want more.  He is so wonderful and now I can't see how I would have lived without him.   Well thats my life I feel that I have been really blessed.
Take care,

Poose View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Posted: Dec 06, 2006 at 4:25pm
[QUOTE=Karen Shelton]
My degrees are in sociology & psychology...

...Somehow I struggled through it and that was the beginning of a completely different career than I ever imagined having in my wildest dreams.  Eventually I went back to school to learn all the major software programs including C and C++ and became a bona fide "geekette".

That's so cool!
I really wanna take psychology!
I totally am a geek wannabe!
It's seems nice to have both your right and left brain entertained!
Right now I work at a busy drive-thru coffee shop Ouch
I am an INTJ in the MBTI, and my job drains me soooooooo much.

Poose2006-12-06 18:36:14

Amanda8Beechwoo View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Mar 15, 2005
Posted: Mar 24, 2007 at 4:25pm
Wow I love this thread, firstly I'd like to say sorry for your grief Karen, I hadn't a clue which has made me sad as you've had a lot of stress to put up with all the trolls etc over the couple of years I've been posting and it sounds like you could have done without it.  Did you find that the diary you kept after helped you.  I haven't experienced grief with anyone since being little and I can't imagine it so you are so brave to want to share that experience to help others, what a wonderful lady you are.  Loved the "geekette"phrase by the way lol.
Metalgirl - I'm so glad that your illness hasn't impeded you too much, you're such a brilliant person too, if only the world was full of people like you and Karen, it would be such a better place.
My life has had its ups and down but its mainly on the up finally after turning 30 everything is a lot better lol.
I surfed through life trying out about every job there is going until I got a job working at the criminal department in a Law Firm in my early twenties which I really enjoyed but eventually that didn't float my boat, I felt like I was in prison confined to the office day in day out 9-5.  I then started a hairdressing course approximately three years ago and read Teresa Bullock Book of Hair Extensions which intrigued me.  I then took two courses in hair extensions whilst carrying on with my hairdressing and the rest is history.  I had finally at 29 found my passion in life and its still my passion.  I finally left the Solicitors last year after building up my business and I now have my own salon, although its being decorated at the moment.  I will be a fully qualified hairdressing this June so I'm excited about that.
I have four dogs and a cat, I love animals and I think if I hadn't found hair extensions I would have probably opened some sort of dogs home.
I've had my fair share of bad men but finally found Dean who's a sweetie and got married two years ago and look forward to a couple of children after my salon is up and running and established he he xx

kateadreena View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 14, 2005
Location: UK
Posted: Jul 07, 2007 at 4:25pm
Well I started out doing a hairdressing course when i was 16 but due to many reasons at the time i didnt finish it.  Instead got a job in a call centre and have been dong hair extensions on the side since i was 13.  I developed an interest in it when i was really young and have practised for years and years... I'm going back to college to finish my hairdressing course in september and im saving for some professional hair extensions courses because i find its easier if you have a name behind  you to gain interest of a lot of clients. 
My long term goal is to set myself up as a full time extensionist but i have along way to go yet, i cant stand my day job, working 10-6 getting shouted at by middle class old women because their tummy trimming knickers havent arrived on time. 

jamaicakid85 View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 30, 2007
Posted: Jul 12, 2007 at 4:25pm
I'm a Petty Officer in the United States Coast Guard and I've been doing this for 2 and a half years now.

ArabianChoclate View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 28, 2007
Location: Sudan
Posted: Jul 29, 2007 at 4:25pm

That is nice. Feel like knowing you already.

I am new to the forum. I think the first participation is to introduce myself hopping to be welcomed (cause I am a bit different background!)
I am Sudanese, living in the Middle East, studied in UK & States. Have Masters and PhD in Business Admin. Started as a lecturer in Sudan, ended working at British Embassy in Middle East as Ambassador Social Secretary and then a translator. I do training consultaions and lecturing (as sometimes I miss lecturing). I have 4 kids (eldest 17 and yougest 3years).

jamaicakid85 View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 30, 2007
Posted: Aug 02, 2007 at 4:25pm
Arabianchoclate thats nice you have alot of competencies I would like to have Masters/PH.D , additional languages I'm off to a good start though I already have an associates in Criminal Justice and I'm about to start working on my associates in Management , I've also started working on my spanish so I have alot going on and work is always one big adventure for me everyday I'm on the east coast and I work in the office so I'm kind of happy I don't have to swim dead bodies out the water any moreConfused
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