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 Your reason for dying

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aubergine View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 14, 2005
Location: England
Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm

Ok, cast your minds back, allllllllll the way back, (not to sound like a hypnotherapist!) to when you had "virgin hair".  For some of you it will be months ago, for some it will be many years...

Now, what was the reason you began dying your hair?  Was there a specific reason?  I'm just curious to know because my story for this is pretty weird...

I was born with little hair , but it was mousy.  When I was a toddler, my bob lengthed hair changed to light brown, and by the time I was 3 it had dramatically lightened to platinum - this grew to back-length and was nice and ringlety.  As I got older, it became more golden and had many natural strands of red and brown in - I had styles from very short bobs to mid-length "choppy" hair, and ALWAYS had an annoying flicky fringe, but was still very light.
As I reached 13, I grew my fringe out and after all the natural colour changes I realised that I was now stuck with this overly thick blonde wavy boff on my head!  Blonde hair really didn't suit me, it made me look like a doll.
So I went ahead and dyed it when I was 15...a little worried because it was cappucino, but I absolutely LOVED it!  I suited dark hair so much better and all of my family and friends agreed. 

I've never been tempted to go back to blonde these last 2 years and I resent my roots coming back so quick (that I've noticed are getting more ashy and light these days!!!)
Well, that's why I started dying my hair 2 years ago.  Quite complicated I know!!!

By the way, does anyone know why my natural hair colour changed and is changing so much?  Is anyone the same?  And why the hell can we be given hair that does not suit us!!

Bambilee View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 18, 2004
Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm
The reason, to be different at first. I dyed it purple, blue, black, pink, etc. I wanted to look different and I thought my hair was boring, (it wasn't. It was lovely.) Now I dyed it blonde , for not very good reason in the beggining, but  found out that it looked good on me.

My hair changed alot from childhood to adult hood.
As a baby I was dark haired, I grew older and it was a more mousy color, almost an ashy blonde,then as I grew older, into my teens, it was a very dark, dark brown. It was always the same thickness, and very straight.

Being human I think is the reason behind all your changes. I think it happens to everyone.

 We should change hair colors, you can have my natural dark hair and I'll take your ashy blonde. :)

Blondie1972 View Drop Down
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Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm

I started dying my hair because I wanted to be blonde~ plain and simple :)  I saw all these striking blondes and simply wanted hair like them.

I used Sun In as a teenager and had orange hair and didn't even know better that it looked awful. 

Then I started coloring it with pale blonde OTC box brands~ MY parents HATED IT!  (Although my Mom has since coloured my roots for me and admitted she did the same thing when she was younger~ she also highlights to a light blonde now too~)

Once I hit my 20's, I started getting it properly coloured and have been lightening it for 17 or 18 years!  Seriously.  I've changed the shades of blonde now and then~ warmer and ashier, but that's about it.  No problems other than the past year and having to make sure I condition like crazy.  Although I've never had it longer than the bottom of my shoulder blades.

You know~ I have NO IDEA how my hair looks in its natural colour now~ I haven't seen more than half an inch of it in 17 years!

aubergine View Drop Down
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Joined: Aug 14, 2005
Location: England
Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm

 We should change hair colors, you can have my natural dark hair and I'll take your ashy blonde. :)



KellyH View Drop Down
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Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm
I started coloring my hair by doing highlights at first. My naturally platinum hair (about a 10N) began to grow in darker (between an 8N and 9N) about 6 years ago.

Alayney View Drop Down
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Posted: Jan 08, 2006 at 4:13pm

Around age 13 I had a "mishap" with Sun In (friend got some for her birthday and we used it). That was my first experience with color. My hair turned orange, of course, and looked awful. (My natural hair color is what I call a light chestnut brown/some would say dark blonde.) I don't think I realized how bad it looked myself, but looking back at pictures and recalling some dumb boys laughing, I know it wasn't good. Too bad both my mother and I were also so dumb as to not try to fix it! LOL! Next was probably age 24. I don't know why I decided to do it -- probably saw some advertisements -- but I started using Natural Instincts in "Cinnabon," a reddish or auburn color. I LOVED it! Did that for a few years off and on. Once during this time, I had just gotten a haircut and was feeling brave, so I decided to try highlighting. When I was done I was almost TOTALLY blonde. I freaked and went and got a box of the Natural Instincts in an ash brown color -- that fixed that! Phew!

Next phase was approximately age 29 to present. I went blonde. Actually the transgression has been from blonde to blonder, to BLONDEST!!! At FIRST my becoming blonde was a mistake. What I had wanted was dark brown hair with a few blonde streaks -- I took with me to the salon a very nice picture I had found in a magazine. HOWEVER, the guy did what HE wanted and a blonde was born. I never used to like blonde hair AT ALL until this. Then I just kept going lighter and lighter and I LOVE it, and don't see myself quitting anytime soon. 


Kuroneko View Drop Down
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Posted: Jan 09, 2006 at 4:13pm

My first experience with hair dye, I was 13 years old.  A comic book chara I loved and identified with had black hair, so I did mine black, too.  Most of my experiences since then have been either just out of boredom, or general unhappiness with my natural mousy brown hair.

WhisperToScream View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 05, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 09, 2006 at 4:13pm
I absolutely can't stand my natural haircolor. It's black and to me that's boring. I also get bored easily and like to change things around. So as a teenager I spent forever begging my mom to let me dye it. She finally gave in and since I began I have never been happy with it. So I just keep dying. I just got highlights and it's just not dramatic enough for me. I think the colorist was going for more natural looking but I really could care less for natural. I want dramatic. I think next time I'm going to see about going for really heavy highlights in a warmer color.  WhisperToScream38726.5873958333

Roxay View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 22, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 09, 2006 at 4:13pm
Lots of reasons with me.

One thing I always disliked is that I have a lot of red tones in my face. The lighter and warmer my hair is, the more these red tones show. They show quite a bit with my natural hair color (dark strawberry blonde), and even more with platinum blonde (I tried on a wig my friend had just to see what I would look like with light blonde hair).

Another reason is that I've always liked dark hair (especially the straight haired brunette look). It looks good on darker skinned women, but I think the contrast can also look great on women with light skin and blue or green eyes.

I also like wearing darker makeup (such as red or plum lipstick and plum or purple eyeshadow), which didn't look good when I was a blonde. The only colors that looked good back then were pinks for lipstick and pinks/browns for eyeshadow.

I just think I look better this way, and most people agree with me :)

malibubabe View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 27, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 10, 2006 at 4:13pm
the reason I dyed my hair is... because I wanted to be a platinum blonde, hah. Naturally it's medium/lightish blonde and it turned almost platinum in the summer, but I wanted it all platinum. I also lived in Sweden at the time I first bleached it, and every other girl you see in Stockholm has platinum hair(whether it's natural or not, I hear Sweden has the highest amount of people bleaching their hair) and I wanted it too

hannebash View Drop Down
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Joined: Sep 30, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jan 10, 2006 at 4:13pm
When I was 13, I did the sun-in thing on my dark brown hair. By the end of summer it was orange. My mom made me dye it back to dark brown, but for the entire school year, it was greenish. So embarassing-everyone was always asking why my hair was green. I got a bad perm that year too (spiral-what can i say it was in style) and had to grow everything out. By the age of 15, I was able chop my hair off into a chin-lenght bob, which left me with my natural color again. I left it natural for over a year and grew my hair longer. When I was 17, I dyed my hair burgundy. Then again. Then dark. but that summer it was faded brassy light-brown/orange. So I dyed it strawberry blonde, several times. I had that for about a year, and managed to chop it again and have it back to natural. I left it like that for 4 years, as my virgin hair was so much more attractive than that ugly orange I always got when I colored-plus no roots!

Then I wore my hair short and layered (about chin-lenght) and got highlights. I was hooked. they were nice and caramel-colored and I maintained them for about 4 years. Alas, I moved and had to find a new salon, and my hubby was earning more money so I could afford more frequent touch ups. Eventually I had almost completely blonde hair, which meant roots all the time and my hair started to get fried. So I did protein filler and a demi brown and managed to match my natural color. I have been brown for about 6 months now, and it matched my roots perfectly. Also, my hair texture is finally normal and shiny, the bleach had really taken a toll. Right now I am wearing it short. I got a big chop to cut off damage and leave less colored hair behind as I grow it back to virgin hair. IT's going great, and I'm not touching it again for at least a year. I MIGHT get a few natural highllights (partial foil) in the distant future, because i do love them.
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