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 What is the male perspective?

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Hairlost View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Posted: Nov 26, 2005 at 12:47pm

I am a female with hair loss - thinning overall.  I have been forced to wear a hair piece that is integrated into my overall remaining hair.

How do men really feel about a woman who has to wear a hairpiece?  I am looking for honest perspectives as I prefer to know the truth versus being in a state of denial.  I refuse to even think about dating anyone for fear of rejection, ridicule, etc.

disco View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 23, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Nov 27, 2005 at 12:47pm

There's no hard rule that says if you wear a hair piece/wig that guys aren't going to like you.  Personality goes a long way.  Still, we can't ignore the fact that how you look is the only thing people have to go on when they first see you.  If you look good with a wig, then wear it.  Keep in mind that how your hair looks isn't the only determinant on beauty.  There are ugly girls out there who have great hair and I wouldn't date them because they have great hair.

I'm sorry for your situation but do not despair.  Not everyone is a vain asshole, but they are out there so don't be surprised.  Personality really does go a long way.  Don't shut yourself in your house.  Get out there and meet people.  Stay active.  Give people a chance to discover the inside you.  Case in point, If you were a fine chic with great hair but a super bitch, I'd have sex with you alright, but I wouldn't keep your ass around for long.

The condition of your hair isn't the sole determinant of your beauty.  If you look good with a wig then wear it.  Ever consider shaving your head bald?  I've seen bald chics in magazines that I'd have no problem calling my girl.  I shaved my head recently to see what I thought.  At first I liked it, then not so much.  Only because I still have a good amount of hair on my head.  Maybe I'll shave it later in life when the rest falls out on top. 

One other thing, I'm on anti-depressants and it really helps psychologically.  I'm surprised I haven't read about anyone using anti-depressants to cope with their hair loss.  I read these posts and I can hear the desperation in what they are writing.  I think to myself how they should really see a doctor about getting on anti-depressants.  They can make a world of difference in your life.  There is no need to suffer the emotional trauma of dealing with hair loss.  It can be tuff getting adjusted to anti-depressants but after a few weeks things will smooth out and you'll stop obsessing about your hair loss and get on with your life.  


Hairlost View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Posted: Nov 28, 2005 at 12:47pm

Disco -

Always appreciate honesty.  Thanks very much for your response.  What I am finding to be really weird is that there are a LOT of people (both men & women) who have fine, thinning, or even no why is this still such a big stigma?  It just seems odd that it isn't more accepted as it seems to be more the norm than not.  Heck, look at all the Hollywood babes - majority have hair extensions and plastic surgery but that is somehow okay? 

Ah well.  Such is life!

Thanks again!  Ciao.

Kuroneko View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2003
Location: USA
Posted: Dec 01, 2005 at 12:47pm

*shrugs*  There are more people overweight in America than of a healthy weight, yet there's still a stigma attached to being fat.  Oh, and everyone ages, yet there's still a stigma attached to getting older (though it's decreasing as more popular celebs age).  I guess it's due to society's beauty standards-- everyone wants to be young, thin, attractive, and have a full head of thick hair.  It's just the celebs can afford to spend more money on having all that, than the rest of us -_- .

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