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 growing out 4yr olds bangs

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jkat118 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 09, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am
I was wondering any opinions on letting a 4 yr old girl's bangs grow out, or leave them short?  What age is most common for kids' to not have bangs any longer? thanks!

Alexia81189 View Drop Down
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Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am

Hey there,

Well, to start what does your daughter think? Its your daughter right? Also, another thing thats important is what is her hairline shaped like? Does she have a widow's peak? I remember I grew my bangs out in 3rd grade, when I was 8. I got bangs again in 6th grade and decided to grow those out to because I have a major cowlick and my hair grows to the side. I am 15 now and last week I decided to cut bangs again. I was afraid they were not going to work but I was a little embarassed of my hair line so I decided the chance was worth it. This time I cut them myself and a little more thickness(back) than last time and they look great! Furthermore, my hairline looks very normal down or up as long as my bangs are down. I love my bangs and Im glad I got them back. The only downside to having bangs are if it gets really scorching hot outside and if your 4 year old likes to play outside alot or play sports, they sometimes get in the way. Hairspray or gel and a barette or what I use in that case. If your daughter has very thick bangs, maybe grow out some of the bangs closer to the back of her head and part those with the rest of her face so the bangs that are growing out are going to frame her face. If you want a comprimise to see if she likes something different with her hair, do that and maybe grow her bangs longer so they are past her top eyelid and part them to the side for a while. If she wants them around her forehead just brush them around her eyes not in front of them. If she likes having them to the side then let her grow them out! Nothings permanent and she has a lot of time to decide whether she likes them or not. I think this is a great age to let her make her own hair decisions, Im sure I would have been pleased to have a little responsibility with a little thing like that. It may not seem like a big deal but it may be 2 her. =) hope that helps!

oOo if you want I can post a picture of the bangs I am talking about but if you can its already posted in the hair color section under the post help determining hair color for RK order.

Alexia81189 View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Mar 25, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am

heres the pic of what I was talking about ; ;fullsize=1


I know its really big, it was for determining hair color but you can see how she wears her long bangs to the side. Even with this length you can wear them infront of your forehead but its best for bangs that are thinner. I remember when I was younger I had really thick bangs. Then in middle school I had really thin bangs(didnt look good), and now I have somewhere inbetween and its perfect. My bangs are as long as hers and it does take a day or two to get used to the length but it doesnt bother me that the bangs are close to my eyes(bangs are right above them) I like the longer length because I can do what is done in the picture above.  blah blah blah I could write 4ever lol  Ill stop now. -) anymore information you need I will be happy to help you.


jkat118 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 09, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am


hi!  Thank you (again!) for your opinion.  Coming from someone your age is what I needed to hear, although my daughter is only 4, to me she seems 15 (lol).  She actually told me that she doesn't want her hair long anymore.  But, from what I was put through with short (boyish) hair when I was 8, I don't want to even touch hers!  I was 8 when my mom had my hair chopped (like a bowl cut) and until 16 it was that length. I hated it!!! I looked like a little boy!!! Once I started growing it at age 16, I found that it was naturally curly, and never went short again (otherwise i'd have a lovely "FRO" look!!)  I'll see what she says and look to post a pic soon.  thanks for the help!!

Alexia81189 View Drop Down
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Joined: Mar 25, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am
oOo Im not trying to change everything you want 2 do but it happened 2 me and I dont want it happening to any1 else. I was the same way recently. I had long, stringy looking hair and I decided to cut it to get the stringyness off. It looked really thick and pretty afterwards, except it was too short to have all of my hair in a ponytail. I play sports and live in a very hot environment so this wasnt a good thing =P. Anyway, the point is if your daughter is active outside it would be a good idea to have a length thats enough to keep it in a ponytail. Not trying to be a control freak or a badger, just want to help.  

jkat118 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 09, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 26, 2005 at 12:21am

I do agree with you.  Personally, I'd rather her hair be long, because for one thing, it can be pulled up in a ponytail, and also braided or pretty much anything else she'd want.  Still not sure what 2 do about the bangs though. At her age, having no bangs might bother her and get in her face too much.....I just don't know......I never had bangs, so I don't know..  Maybe i'll start letting hers grow out and see what she thinks.  Like you said before, as they grow out they can be parted to the side, or held back with a barret.  Thanks for being so helpful!! 

Kuroneko View Drop Down
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Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 12:21am

You say your mother forced you to have a bowl cut you didn't like as a child.  Now you have to be careful not to force your daughter into long hair if she doesn't like it.  You wouldn't want her to end up with the same sort of resentment you feel over having not been allowed to make your own hair choices.

jkat118 View Drop Down
Joined: Jul 09, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Jul 28, 2005 at 12:21am
I do agree with you, Kuroneko.  I am pretty good about being open with her decisions.  She is at an important time in her life where she's building her self-confidence and I would never want to damage that.  Heck, I even ask for her opinion when I try on clothes and get dressed for the day!!  So, I definitely value her opinion, and will remember to let her make her own choices.  Thank you for your reply!

Brittanica View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 19, 2008
Posted: Sep 19, 2008 at 12:21am
I have a daughter who is 4, and I let her bangs grow out. I personally like the "no bang" look on her. When we get her hair cut, I sometimes ask for the swooping bang affect. I love it. Her hair is thinner so I like the "no bangs" look. I wonder if her hair was thicker if bangs would look better.   
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