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 wrecked wrecked wrecked

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chenna View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 03, 2001
Location: so cal
Posted: Aug 03, 2001 at 11:07pm
I`m looking for advice.

About six months ago I started highlighting my hair with that stuff called Sun-In that`s supposed to give you blond streaks and some of that Lighten Up Brighten Up creme. Then I decided I didn`t like it and put Feria Brazilian Brown in my hair. It was okay, but it didn`t stay in very long and lightened up within a month or so.

What I was trying to do was grow my hair long from a supershort cut that I hated. I had gotten all the layers to one length and the back of my hair to about the top of my shoulders, and that took about a year.

So, a few months later it`s looking a little limp. My hair is thick, fine, and straight. My mother`s always harassing me to get a perm for my flat hair but I was trying to hold out for some length since permed hair is drier and doesn`t grow as fast.

So finally in June I gave in and went to the salon. I told the stylist I wanted a little body and curl, but that I DID have color on my hair and I used Sun-In, which I remembered was supposed to be very hard on hair.

So, after all this information, the stylist proceeded to totally WRECK my hair. It was so overprocessed that by the time she was done I had hair that was curly ONLY when it was wet; when it`s dry it just sticks out flat like cotton candy. On top of this, the color came up and it`s now a really ugly copper yellow, PLUS my roots are showing from all the lightening so I now I have two-tone, wrecked, overprocessed shoulderlength junk on my head.

I have just left it alone for about two months and have been using every conditioning product on the market, plus giving it baths every few days in olive oil. It`s in a little better condition than it was, and I would consider keeping it for the length if it weren`t for the color. I`m tempted to try a Feria or something over it, but I`m worried it will just make matters worse.

What do you think? Should I try to color it or just give up on my year`s worth of growth and get it cut off, or tough it out for a couple more months and then color?



Van View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 22, 2004
Location: New York City
Posted: Aug 03, 2001 at 11:07pm
advice would be, do not put any more color, chemicals etc on your hair. if its to the point where its all dry and brittle, cutting might be your only option. even try getting a couple inches cut off, that might help a little. its obvious from what you posted that your hair doesnt take well to perms and dyes, which means you should stop. the more you put in, the worse its going to get, and its already overprocessed now. go to a different stylist and get a free consultation to see how damaged your hair really is, and ask them how much you would have to cut off to get it back to a better condition.

liz_naz View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 26, 2002
Location: UK
Posted: Jul 07, 2002 at 11:07pm
Get this instead: (if ur in the UK, i think its in US also, and other coutnries, but u will only find it in PROFESSIONAL HAIRDRESSERS.:

i permed my hair twice
its terribly frizzy and unmanageably dry and damaged yer

i recommend EVErYONE who has damaged hair to use Kerastase products
this is the first time i used it today, and cow me, my hair`s georgiously soft!
it feels like when its been blowdried!

get it! its unreal! :D:D:D::D:D:D::D:D

ps. KERASTASE products were specifically created for frizzy dry damaged hair, so it will do wonders for urs! :P

PPS i would just grow out ur years worth of growth thingy, :( im afraid, and then start again froms cratch

baby*flower View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Jul 08, 2002
Posted: Jul 12, 2002 at 11:07pm
if u want to repair ure hair then condition ure hair every night it`ll take time but it`s worth it!! i

oOoStArSpArKoOo View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 09, 2002
Location: NoWhErEsViLle, UsA
Posted: Jul 13, 2002 at 11:07pm
Condition your hair, and whatever you do don`t color it until it`s completely repaired, or else you`ll end up having to chop it all off.:|

demodoll View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 19, 2000
Posted: Jul 20, 2002 at 11:07pm
If you want to color your hair go to a salon that specializes in color correction. There is no way that you should do anything else to it on your own. Sun-In is a terrible product. Apparently it deposits some kind of metal in your hair and after that it doesn`t handle other chemical processes well. The stylist who messed up your hair should have done a test strand first.

My daughter had a color disaster that ended up with her looking like Ronald McDonald. We finally went to a salon where they worked on it for five hours but eventually made it look like human hair again. She has been back a couple of times since and I am happy to say that her beautiful blonde hair is back and looking fairly healthy. That takes an expert and is worth whatever you have to pay for it. I am sure that a good salon could work wonders for you. Go for a consultation first.

Good luck.
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