While I'm sure there're many of you who are brunettes, I'd love to hear what are your favorite brunette colors to dye/brighten/refresh your hair? I'm naturally very dark, but I like some richness of brown in my hair to spice it up a bit. I am thinking of trying L'Oreal ColorSpa in Espresso, a dark brown.
Loreal Feria#45 French Roast,or Feria#41 Crushed Garnet.Then highlight with Feria C50 Mahongany vibes Colour strands. If your hair is alrady dark,you will get good results with just the C50.I used these on my wifes hair last summer,the results were good.
I like Natural Instincts Clove. I've used it once (that's my current color) and it looks natural with my skin tone. I've also used Loreal Excellence Creme Medium Reddish Brown and that's pretty also.
I noticed Revlon Colorsilk added new hue to their collection: 12-Blue Black with an asian model on front of the box. It looks like a nice blue-black color. Also, Garnier came out with new package called Garnier 100% and they have nice browns and a blue-black color. They got medium brown, dark golden brown, and deep brown. I'm trying L'oreal Colorspa in Ebony, a neutral glossy black.