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 Best way to treat hair when swimming

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wendy View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 08, 2001
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
During the summer months, I do alot of swimming and I know what chlorine does to hair and the sheer amount of stress water puts on the hair. I'm concerned mainly with the best way to wear my hair while swimming that gives the least amount of damage to my hair. I've considered a hair cap, but the thought of peeling it off my head chills me. I can just see a huge pile of hair going with it.What is the best thing for me to do with my hair while swimming?

Kara View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 06, 2001
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
a way to keep the cap from pulling your hair, sprinkle baby powder on the cap after you rinse it out, which you should do after swimming. this makes it slide over your hair easily

Laura View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 13, 2000
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
If you perfer to swim without a cap the best thing is to wet your hair before plungeing in. After your swim rinse well with non clorinated water. When you leave shampoo and condition.Wetting hair first seals the hair shafts and makes it more diffucult for chlorine to enter. A weekly deep conditioning would help also if you swim a lot.A swim cap can help also. A really watertight seal can be obtained and you can keep hair dry if you wear two caps,one a plain racing cap,then a second cap over the first with a strap. If the first does not cover your ears..cut a hole in the top to allow it to pull down well. This will be a tight fitting cap..another method is to wet hair and apply conditioner then wear a cap. The wet hair is sealed and conditioned as I explained . Also the conditioner will not rinse out in the pool.The classic strap caps slip on very easily. The best are the bubble-crepe caps.They are now available in sizes and you can get a good fit tighter or looser if you wish. They do not pull hair! and if you want to easily slip them on sprinkle with baby powder as the post before notes or with cornstarch.The racing caps that are made of latex are real bad for hair pulling because they tend to curl up..Thats when your hair goes with the curl and when you remove the! If interested go to for the bubble cap in sizes.

wendy View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 08, 2001
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
Which person are you deeming a "Troll"? I don't see anyone that fits that category!

Laura View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 13, 2000
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
I am not the person who posted the above message. But, I see a common thread to this post and the one mentioned as a troll alert earlier...they both have people talking about cutting their hair short and seeming to encourage it in some way. Is that what you mean, troll-watcher?> What right do you have to say such a thing? You, my> dear seem to be the troll.

Laura View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 13, 2000
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
hmm. Troll Alert ? What are you talking about? If you don't have suggestions or any real advice don't post useless messages. This is a great site because there are a lot of people sharing idea,s! Thats what it is all about!

Laura View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 13, 2000
Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 8:21pm
> Several years ago I used to swim laps 6 times a week.> I wet the hair, applied conditioner, and then put on a> cap. BTW, I used nylon/spandex caps which obviously do> not pull the hair at all! They're wonderful! The only> person I knew who didn't wear a cap when swimming had> very short hair that was frequently trimmed so the> damaged hair was always cut off.I have posted several messages on caps. conditioning ect, This message is about what swimmers should NOT DO! The worst thing you can do to your hair this summer is lay in the sun then jump in the pool..come out and lay down again in the sun without rinseing or anything! Lots of people do it! The chlorine is baked into the hair and the damage is doubled! Wetting hair before swimming is the easiest thing anyone can do if you don't want to wear a cap! It really makes a big difference! If you do want to put some conditioner in please wear a cap ! You can guess how pools will be looking if everyone conditions and goes in with out a cap! The conditioner will rinse out in the pool AND MAKE A MESS! Then pools may go back to the rule of requireing a cap which no one wants! Also remember to cover up in the sun! Get a big chic sun hat to keep as much sun off as possible ! You dont have to wear it all day,wearing it off and on will help keep sun damage down or stay in a shady spot around the pool if you can get there first!
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