Very interesting topic. I am a collector of antiques and last year I gained this correct social usage book that was publish in 1906. As I read this book I wished that we would still have manners. There is no respect now a days.
In some other ways I see that we gained so much more today. But at times I wonder when I hear how our lives are now especially when I hear on TV about this woman going to work with her baby and incidently leaving her baby in the car for the rest of the day because her life is so stressful with work that she couldn`t think straight and her child died while she really thought she dropped that baby off to the daycare that morning which is located in the same building as her work. How many men and women today ended up so stressed that they die of a heart of attack or a break down and can`t work. HOw many marriages do break up because of our lives.
When I think of those situations I think that life was a bit simplier and many times I tell myself and others that I wish I could just throw out every electronic device including electricty , gas etc but again we would freeze in Canada........ I know as a child my life was much simplier in the country. We trusted our neighbors but now..........................
It was more the life that we lead that made us happier than the hairstyle. Maybe our grandparents knew what was important and we don`t in life.