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 HELP! fine possibly damaged hair....

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tash View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 12, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 6:33pm

I have had fine hair all my life and I have never known what to do with it (I am a natural blonde, although its gotten darker as I get older). It is driving me compleatly nuts. whenever I brush it there is sooo much static, if I use conditoner it gets greesy really fast. If I use a regular or all natural shampoo (which is suppost to help it be less greesy) without any 'anti itch' stuff in it my head itches like crazy (even with the anti-itch stuff it itches a little). If I wash it everyday it gets dry, if I wash it every few days it gets greesy. If I use conditoner it feels greesy before its even compleatly dry. I keep it in a ponytail most of the time just to keep it out of my face but it still somehow annoys me. back when I used to colour it (about 4 years ago.. back before I was married, my husband says he likes my natural colour, I think its kinda boreing) it was dry a lot. It almost seemed easier to deal with.....

on top of all the problems I have had forever is that now I have a toddler so I dont have any time to do anything with it and she also has fine hair .....
I have been reading and it seems like my hair might also be damaged. I have tried damage control type shampoos in the past but didnt notice much diffrence. I also dont use heat much on it. useually I just shampoo, rinse, comb, air dry, brush, and put into a ponytail.
is there anything I can do or should I just shave my head?

PlutoPowered View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 6:33pm

I have had fine hair all my life and I have never known what to do with it (I am a natural blonde, although its gotten darker as I get older). It is driving me compleatly nuts. whenever I brush it there is sooo much static, if I use conditoner it gets greesy really fast. If I use a regular or all natural shampoo (which is suppost to help it be less greesy) without any 'anti itch' stuff in it my head itches like crazy (even with the anti-itch stuff it itches a little). If I wash it everyday it gets dry, if I wash it every few days it gets greesy. If I use conditoner it feels greesy before its even compleatly dry. I keep it in a ponytail most of the time just to keep it out of my face but it still somehow annoys me. back when I used to colour it (about 4 years ago.. back before I was married, my husband says he likes my natural colour, I think its kinda boreing) it was dry a lot. It almost seemed easier to deal with.....

on top of all the problems I have had forever is that now I have a toddler so I dont have any time to do anything with it and she also has fine hair .....
I have been reading and it seems like my hair might also be damaged. I have tried damage control type shampoos in the past but didnt notice much diffrence. I also dont use heat much on it. useually I just shampoo, rinse, comb, air dry, brush, and put into a ponytail.
is there anything I can do or should I just shave my head?

I wouldn't use any conditioners with humectants in them as that will weigh your hair down and attract dirt.  Look for conditioners that contain hydrolyzed soy and wheat in them.  They will be lighter for your hair and may help with your hair not being as "greasy".  Maybe use one every 2 weeks (after clarifying the hair).

Why not try shampooing every other day with a shampoo for normal to oily hair?  Fine hair gets oily quickly because the oils have an easy path to the ends of the hair.  Just the opposite, curly hair is usually dry because the oils have a more difficult path to the ends of the hair which is why curly hair is often more dry.

A soft hold gel, mousse, or very light cream (I would say gel is best) when put in the hair will help with the static and styling, even if you let your hair air dry or put it in a ponytail.  I would also invest in a wide tooth comb.  Brushing will also only encourage static and fly-away hair.  It will also pull your hair out more (and be harder to get out tangles).

As far as the itching, it may be dry skin (drink more water, look into different products) or it could be dandruff (is it yellowish or just small white flakes?)  If you can't get rid of it with normal shampoos (nizoral, head and shoulders, tea tree) you may need to have it checked out by a dermatologist.
PlutoPowered2007-03-12 19:20:18

tash View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 12, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 6:33pm
do you have any brand names for conditioner I should look for? I have never heard of humectants.
I do have a 'cream gel' I use sometimes, but sometimes my husband isnt home and I have to take care of the baby and dont get to do much of anything. When I can use it it seems to help with the static, but I also think it makes my hair get greesier faster.
I do have a comb I use after I get out of the shower and before I dry off. I dont use it otherwise though. Should I use it every time? Should I start useing only a comb on my daughter? (she has similar hair so far)
I do drink a lot. at 1/2-1 gallon a day, its half and half juice (100%) and filtered water. it seems just white to me, mostly I notice the itch. My skin is preaty dry as I live in TX now (my elbows are only ok with pure whipped lanolin). I tried a shampoo that had tea tree and stuff in it, but it didnt help. Now I use the 'dandruff control' one by ganier (sp? it smells like apples and comes in a green bottle). The tea tree one also seemed to leave it greesier.
maybe its a hormonal thing? my skin seems more itchy in general since I had the baby. maybe it will get better once she weans.......
how am I suppost to deal with dry skin and greesy hair? it almost seems like they should cancel each other out.... Confused

PlutoPowered View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 13, 2007 at 6:33pm

Products are always personal choices (and everyone likes something different) so you'll have to experiment.

Humectants attract moisture to the hair.  Unfortunately, they also can attract dirt and it's possible, depending on the quality of conditioner / shampoo that the humectants will sit on the hair (and not penetrate) and just weigh the hair down.  (I find products like Nexus, Rusk, most drug store stuff very heavy)
Personally, I use Aveda and ABBA and I love both.  You may have different results / taste.  I find that ABBA's moisture scentsation works very well and is very light (even though it has humectants in it).  Don't use it if you don't like the smell of peppermint in your hair for a couple of days afterward.  It doesn't weigh my hair down at all.  It may help with your dry scalp also?  It will make the scalp very tingly and cool.  The conditioner will help with static also.  Any salon can find you a very light conditioner if you don't like Aveda or ABBA.  Trust your nose also (you want to get something you like)!
Pregnancy does affect hormones / your body quite a bit.  If your hair wasn't always like this it may continue to change?
This is the type of comb I was talking about.  Brushing is good if the hair is dry, clean, and detangled.  It pulls the oils from the scalp to the hair and moisturizes it.

tash View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 12, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: May 12, 2007 at 6:33pm
I got my hair cut today (mothers day thing ;) ). The stylist asked me what I wanted and I said I didnt know, I just wanted my hair to stop being so annoying. She said my hair is THICK! :wow: I never consitered it thick because the individual strands are so fine on thier own. That would explain why it doesnt feel like a comb can get everything, and why it takes so very long to dry.  She said that she could thin it and that would make it easier to deal with. I know this all probably sounds silly to you hair experts LOL but I really am clueless. So now my hair is layered and textured and feels a lot lighter. We will see how I like it this way.....
I havent gotten a new shampoo yet... I want to finish what I have first, I hate wasteing stuff and I also hate having a bathroom full of shampoo/conditioner (I already have 2 or 3 kinds in there).  Ones now on my list to try are Aveda and a citrus one a friend swears by....

HABEEB View Drop Down
Joined: May 12, 2010
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:33pm
try batise dry shampoo its a god-sent for greasy-ness and this stuffs great for volume :) hope i helped x
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