Ive been lurking here for a while. ( some of you may know me from another long hair board) and decided to join :)
Lets see here a bit about me :
I have a beautiful 5 year old daughter and I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby A BOY! My my daugter and I just moved across the U.S to be with my New huby ( we were just married last August)
My hair:
I have been trying to grow it out for years I always kept it short when I was working as a hairstylist. BUT now my daughter and I are both shooting for waist length hair :)
Its currently 14.5 inches measured over the top of my head and down to the lenght I just reached my first mini goal of shoulder lenght :)
Im trying to grow out years of heat damage and color :) I only have about another 3 inches to go before all the damage is out :)
Well enough about me just wanted to intduce myself :)