ahhh....i have been brushin my hair...but I brush my right side down
because i get no results on an angle....Now that i do see alot of waves
when brushin down i am trying to change the direction and itz not
workin my right side tendz to look extremely frizzy lyke fuzzy...any
advice...i have been strugglin with my right side ever since i have
been tryin to wave.
keep brushing that right side. its so used to going one way, and its gonna take alotta work to change the direction. spraying ur du rag wit water might also help to get rid of ur "fuzzy" problem by layin ur hair down pretty good. (another right sider)
true, once you got your waves going one way its gonna take some time to change it,
Once you decide on your pattern you should stick with it. You should have gave you right side some more time before you switched your technique. If you want them true 360waves you gotta brush the sides at angle.360spinna38616.2766782407
changing direction of your wave pattern takes time. The fuzziness and frizziness comes from your hair not being trained to develope waves in that direction. That side will get use to it and lay down, but it will take some time. That's what getting waves is all about, brushing and training.