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 help me get it long puhleeezzz

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glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jun 09, 2005 at 6:00pm

hi everyone... i have shoulder length hair... i want to grow it really long, but my hair is not cooperating...i had it last trimmed on march, i think (just one inch off the edges), and i feel that it has not grown an inch after.

i guess one problem is that my hair breaks easily. i have tried lots of shampoos for "falling hair"...but it only results to my hair becoming more frizzy!!

when my hair is dry, it looks thick, because of the frizziness, but if you actually gather it in a bun, or when it's wet, it's very thin. i guess that's another effect of the brittleness of my hair...

btw, i do the traditional wash and condition method...and i shampoo it helping or actually doing more damage to my hair?

what should i do?


many thanks in advance

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jun 09, 2005 at 6:00pm

Every day is a lot of washing, in my opinion. Every day is 365 times a year, and more than 2000 washings in the lifetime of a single hair. If your hair breaks easily, it would be best to minimize handling it. Hair is most fragile when it is wet.

These links go into more detail-- it's not a lot of threads but it will get you a jumpstart on minimizing damage. Hope this helps!  

Do you do clarifying rinses? If your conditioner has silicones then you will want to clarify often to prevent product buildup. Buildup often causes breakage, starting with breakage at the ends. Either your hair is breaking at the ends from buildup, or it's the combing method. Do you detangle from the ends and work your way up?

Frizz is best solved by quitting shampoo: by switching to the Conditioner-Only method or using C-COW-C



perkinqq View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 08, 2005
Posted: Jun 10, 2005 at 6:00pm
how many washes per week do you recommend with the CO method?

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jun 11, 2005 at 6:00pm

There's no "recommended" frequency for CO washes. Some people CO every day, others CO once a week. The best thing to do is start CO'ing as often as you shampoo, then gradually decease.



perkinqq View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 08, 2005
Posted: Jun 11, 2005 at 6:00pm

wait when I'm not COing I should be using my normal shampoo?

I'm semi confused...


should I be washing my hair ever day when I take a shower, or like 3 times a week (CO method)... or do you mean do CO 3 times a week and the other 4 days I do normal shampooing... thanks!


P.S. I'm trying the CO idea and my hair is still frizzy and "independent".. how long does it take?

glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jun 11, 2005 at 6:00pm

thanks, anais...

i tried the CO today, and still the hair is FRIZZEEEE...ugh...should i wait it out till i see results? or immediately change my brand of conditioner?...good news, though, is that i think i have less falling hairs and breakages for a change...maybe i should really minimize the daily washing...and use less shampoo...

before CO, shampooing was scary because i would be having these clumps of hair on my hands. this morning, it was less...hallelujah

many thanks again...


AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jun 12, 2005 at 6:00pm

Frequency of washing is dependent on YOUR scalp's needs. Some people alternate between CO and shampoo. They shampoo when the scalp gets too greasy to be cleaned with just conditioner. Over time, the scalp adjusts to CO and produces less oil. When you incorporate CO into your routine, it's totally better than what you'd have with only a shampoo&conditioner wash. Really, you can't go wrong.

It takes about a month for CO to make a visible difference. But.... I think you'll be finding less split ends and less dryness before the end of the month, as well as less shedding.

another idea for shampoo - dilute it in water before applying.



perkinqq View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 08, 2005
Posted: Jun 13, 2005 at 6:00pm


how do you apply the diluted, cheap conditioner... I made the roostertail thing, and everytime I try to apply it, it's so diluted that half of the stuff spills out of my hand before it gets anywhere.

Also, when applying the conditioner (normal, nondiluted kind), it's just to the roots of my hair, right? And shedding for me occurs during the conditioner part, rather than the shampoo (maybe because I use Pantene?), but I welcome because I think it's a way of de-thick-ifying my hair, heh.

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jun 14, 2005 at 6:00pm

I hope I wrote the directions right.  The conditioner-shampoo-diluted mixture is to be done in a squeeze bottle, like an old ketchup bottle. And the last conditioner should be applied to the hair's ends and the hair's length. Hope this helps.


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jun 22, 2005 at 6:00pm
hi...i've considered doing the CO more frequently now. what i do now is to C-COW-C every 2 days, at least, and the rest is just CO...i still have to see the results in two weeks, or more, i guess, but the hair's improving...gee, thanks...

i've a question, though...considering that we still have this hot to humid tropical climate here, would it be okay for me to CO my hair once in the morning, and again in the afternoon? or, like, this morning, i did the C-COW-C...can i CO this afternoon? it's warm and so polluted in here i need to wash my hair...what happens if i just wet my hair without putting on shampoo and/or conditioner?

thanks again..

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jun 23, 2005 at 6:00pm

Whatever works for your lifestyle. Tea works nicely too if you just need a quick rinse.


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jul 02, 2005 at 6:00pm
about the clarifying rinses...and the tea rinse as well, do i have to rinse with pure water aftewards? that's coz i tried rinsing with white vinegar and i did not like the smell of the vinegar.

ya, and, i have not been using conditioners with the i still need to do the clarifying rinse?

thanks again...

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jul 03, 2005 at 6:00pm

Cone users are strongly urged to clarify, either with a "clarifying shampoo" or a vinegar rinse, but non-cone users should also clarify (although less regularly). Perhaps every couple weeks or so would work well for you? The vinegar smell should also go away after your hair is dry, You could also try a vinegar that smells slightly different, e.g apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, etc.. there's lots to choose from. Keep in mind it will still smell sour, since all vinegars are similar.  

People like to do their rinses differently. ... I wash my scalp (with CO), rinse with water, vinegar rinse, rinse with water again, condition normally, and rinse again.

Tea rinses work nicely without a water rinse afterwards. Tea rinses tend to work best if it's after rinsing out the final conditioner.

Hugs and faery blessings 


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jul 15, 2005 at 6:00pm

gee thanks...i guess i really need to do the clarifying rinses because i've discovered i can't live without the cones...but, just how often should i do the clarifying rinses? right now, what i do is to C-COW-C every 3 or 4 days, and the rest of the days is just CO.'s definitely improving...thanks a lot...problem is, it's not still growing as fast as i want last hairtrim was march, and i should be due for a hairtrim now, right? but if i do, i would go back to the length that it was last march... which means it grew just over an inch for almost 4 months

what could be wrong?

many thanks again...



AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jul 15, 2005 at 6:00pm

Hi Glorya,

Clarify as often as you need to. Every 1.5 - 2 weeks is a good frequency for most people.

Nobody's ever "due" for a hairtrim if they don't want to be. Personally I haven't done a dust-trim or any trim since December. However trimming would be necessary if you are slowly growing out perm/dye/dryness/etc damage, if your ends start to tangle a lot, or they're split ends.

If you don't want to lose any growth, you can always do a dust trim (cutting about 1/16 of an inch off all the ends), or like, 2mm. If you cut it yourself, or get a really meticulous OCD friend to do it, then you can control how much comes off.

HTH  and faery blessings


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Jul 24, 2005 at 6:00pm

hey anais...

whew...i think i would have to avoid the scissors for a while then because i don't think i really have the need for it right now...

hmmm...still working on the patience thing...especially now that i understand why it's taking it ever so slow to grow...

but, just the same, waiting it out has been oh so fun because of all the experimenting on the cones or no-cones, clarifying rinses...dodging the shampoo really, it's addictive...

thanks very much for all the i'm shampooing just once a week. i will try until i go to just twice a month...

all of these routines is starting to diminish my focus on how long it is taking to day, i hope, i just might be surprised to find it has grown...midback would be my goal for now...when i get there, who knows where my quest for long (AND GORGEOUS) hair would lead me into...

all in all...thanks... 

blessings to you too!


AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Jul 25, 2005 at 6:00pm

Isn't it fun??  That's how I would pass the time. Finding ways to take better care of my hair and skin, and not just beauty related stuff, but stuff like healthy eating habits and exercise too. That was never true before the decision to grow. Pampering NEVER has a downside!

Hugs, and enjoy the journey.


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Aug 31, 2005 at 6:00pm

re: exercise... i wonder if yoga might do miracles to my hair... i have learned a lot of the asanas and i'm on my way to learning and achieving the more difficult poses...

i just hope it would do good to my hair...just so i would continue doing it...i don't get much exercise (COUCH POTATO!) ... but with yoga, its a much more relaxed, yet fun way to stretch the bones and muscles...

thanks again

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Sep 01, 2005 at 6:00pm

The more exercise, the better your blood circulation. And whether or not it helps your hair growth, it's definitely going to make you a happier you  Happy growing


glorya_cam View Drop Down
Joined: May 28, 2005
Location: Philippines
Posted: Nov 04, 2005 at 6:00pm
hi anais...been a long time...been busy pampering my hair and a new job and all, so i havn't been checking the board lately. i have a problem now, though. ever since i started the CO routine, i have been having problems with dandruff. i don't it's just gunk, coz it has the sign of D, like itching, oiliness... should i go back to shampooing more often? my routine now is to CO everyday, except that at least twice, thrice or 4 times a month, i do the C-COW-C. i do clarify rinse every week, but it's not helping...what to do?

many, many, many thanks...

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Nov 04, 2005 at 6:00pm

Hey Glorya,

The best thing is to follow your instincts and experiment until you find something that makes you say ... WOWIE ZOWIE This routine is THE ONE!  If C-COW-C works better for you (or COW-C if you don't need the first step) then by all means go for it.

If you cut back to using diluted shampoo, and if you find that it works better and leaves no buildup/dandruff/gross stuff, then maybe diluted shampoo is better for you WITHOUT adding conditioner.

Again, experiment. Don't forget that you can mix up routines and alternate between two different methods. There are no limits to customizing your routine!

Hope this was helpful


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