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 hair recipes

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Katriannal View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2003
Posted: Jun 01, 2005 at 3:16pm
i have TONS of hair/make-up and skin care recipes... the hair recipes alone is a 63 page document.. so if anyone is interested justlet me know.. i'll be happy to send some.. i thought about publishing a book lol.. and sellin it.. i think it's some very useful stuff and im sure ppl would buy!

Renee View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 22, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Jun 01, 2005 at 3:16pm
i want some.....

Katriannal View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2003
Posted: Jun 01, 2005 at 3:16pm

Hair Conditioner (good)

Mix 1/2 cup honey and 1/4 cup olive oil. (Use 2 tablespoons oil for normal hair.) Work a small amount at a time through hair until coated. Cover hair with a shower cap; leave on 30 minutes. Remove shower cap; shampoo well and rinse. Dry as normal.

3 tbsp olive oil
20 drops essential rosemary oil

For shine and growth

3 tbsp olive oil
1 finely chopped medium sized root of parsnip
1/2 tsp crushed seeds of parsnip

Boil for five minutes and strain. Adds shine and stimulates growth.

1-2 whipped eggs
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp glycerine

Massage into washed hair. Leave at least 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Adds moisture and shine.

1 tbsp lanolin
1 tbsp castor oil
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp castille soap
1 tbsp glycerine
2 tbsp water
2 tsp egg yolk
1 whole egg
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
60-90 drops of essential oil of choice (for benefits or scent)

Melt the lanolin in a bain marie and mix with the oils. Mix in soap, glycerine and water. Use electric mixer on low speed until thickened. Add egg and egg yolk and use electric mixer on high speed. Add vinegar and essential oil. Massage into washed hair. Leave at least 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Adds moisture and shine.

3.5 oz sweet almond oil
40-60 drops of essential oil of choice (for benefits or scent)
3-7 oz plain yoghurt

Mix the oils and warm slightly. Massage into hair and scalp. Cover with warm towel. If needed use hair dryer to add more heat. Leave for two hours. Add the yoghurt to hair and scalp. Leave for an additional half an hour. Rinse. Adds moisture and protein.

1 ripe avocado
2 tsp carrot or marigold oil

Mash the avocado and mix with the oil. Massage into scalp and hair. Leave for one hours. Rinse with water/lemon mix. Good for dry and damaged hair.

4.25 oz olive oil
1 whole egg
pinch of salt
4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey

Use electric mixer on high speed to mix (will produce mayo-like concoction). Massage into dry hair and leave for one hour. Rinse with cold water. Adds protein and shine.

1 ripe banana
2 tsp grape seed oil

Mash the banana and mix with oil. Massage into scalp and hair. Cover with Saran wrap. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with water/lemon mix. Good for dry hair.

3.5 oz apple cider vinegar or unsweetened apple juice
40-60 drops of essential thyme oil

Mix vinegar/juice and oil. Massage into scalp and leave for five minutes. Rinse and shampoo. Adds shine and combats dandruff.

8.5 oz red wine
2 tbsp dried sage
Kaolin clay
1 egg yolk

Heat wine with sage in. Let cool off and strain. Warm slightly and mix with kaolin to a batter like consistency. Let cool off again and mix with egg yolk. Work into hair and wrap in Saran wrap. Leave 30 minutes to one hour. Will give hair a chestnut colour, stronger if mixed with black tea.


Katriannal View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2003
Posted: Jun 01, 2005 at 3:16pm

Egg Conditioner

1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp olive oil
3/4 cup lukewarm water
Beat egg yolk until it is thick and light colour. Slowly drizzle drops of oil into egg, beating well. Slowly add and beat the water into the egg mixture. Transfer mixture to a container. After shampooing, massage all conditioner into hair and leave on for a few minutes before thoroughly rinsing.

Protein Conditioner
Beat 1 egg white until foamy. Add to 5 Tbsps plain natural yogurt. Apply to hair in small sections at a time. Leave in for 15 minutes. Rinse.

Split End Treatments
1) Mix 1 tsp honey with 2 Tbsps olive oil, then beat in 1 egg yolk. Massage on hair in small sections. Wrap head with shower cap for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo.

2) Massage hair and scalp with warm avocado or olive oil. Wrap hair securely in a towel. Leave oil on hair about 8 hours or overnight. If left on overnight, put a shower cap over head to avoid staining pillows and bedding. Wash hair, then rinse with a vinegar /water solution.

Mint Rinse
1 cup water
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 handful of fresh mint leaves
Strain and pour into a container. With fingertips, massage solution into the scalp, let dry without rinsing out.

Soothing Herbal Hair Rinse
Combine equal parts of dried rosemary, comfrey, witch hazel leaves and nettles to make about 1/2 cup. Add to 2 cups of water in a covered pot. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let steep overnight. Strain. Shampoo and rinse hair then use herb tea for a final rinse to relieve itchy, flaky scalp.

Hair Colouring
Herb, Fruit & Vegetable Rinses for Colour and Highlights
These rinses work over a period of time to subtlety colour and add highlights to the hair. First wash and rinse hair, then pour any of these rinses over the hair 15 times catching the excess in a bowl or the bathroom basin as it runs off the hair, then pouring it over the hair again.
For Brunettes
1) Cook an unpeeled potato in boiling water. Cool slightly. Dip a pastry brush or cotton ball in the cooking water, cover and saturate hair, being careful not to get any on skin. Leave on hair for 20 minutes then rinse out.

2) Make a strong infusion of any of the following herbs and teas then use as a rinse:
Raspberry leaves
Ivy Berries

Black coffee
Black Tea (for chestnut highlights).

For Blondes
1) Marigold gives golden highlights to light hair and brings out red and gold highlights in light brown and red hair. Saffron, tumeric, calendula, mullein, privet and yellow broom in addition to any yellow blossomed herb or flower also add colour and highlights for blondes.

2) Rinse hair with a solution of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to one gallon of water after shampooing.

3) To restore hair that was once blonde, mix 10 grams of licorice root with 10 grams of oat straw, add a pinch of saffron. Cover with water and boil to make an infusion. Strain and use a s a rinse after shampooing. It should be allowed to soak into the hair and NOT rinsed out.

4) To bring out highlights and lighten blonde hair, steep 1/2 cup of camomile tea in one quart of boiling water. Strain and cool slightly. Shampoo hair until oil free, and then rinse with the tea infusion.

5) Add 4 tablespoons of chopped rhubarb to 3 cups of hot water, simmer for 15 minutes. Strain, cool, then use as a rinse after shampooing.

For Redheads

1) Use strong black coffee as a final rinse

2) Use a strong rosehips tea

3) Make a decotion of red hibiscus tea, use as a rinse

4) Make a rinse from calendula

5) Use an infusion of saffron for a rinse.

For Grey Hair

1) Potatoes: Boil potato peels in water, strain, and cool. Use the strained water as an after-shampoo rinse to darken grey hair

2) Sage covers the grey when used consistently over a period of time. Simmer 1/2 cup dried sage in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes. Steep for 2-3 hours. Strain, use as rinse on clean hair. Leave on until hair has dried, then rinse out.

3) Mix 1 oz. sage, 1oz. rosemary and 1 pint of water. Simmer for 30 minutes
and strain. Massage into the scalp and grey hair.

4) Mix 1 tablespoon of apple-cider vinegar with one gallon of warm water, use as final rinse.

5) Use an infusion of hollyhock (blue-purple flowers) to remove the yellow cast from grey hair.

6) Use betony as a rinse to cover yellow in grey hair.

For All Hair Colours

Make an infusion of any of the following for colour, conditioning, highlights and shine:
Catnip: Make a rinse of catnip and water to promote hair growth and shine.
Rosemary: good as a hair tonic for thinning hair and dandruff and to stimulate hair growth.
Thyme: makes a great stimulating shampoo.
Yarrow: Use a yarrow rinse for mild cases of dandruff.

Hair Spray
Chop 2 lemons, add 2 cups water, simmer in a pan over low heat until lemons are quite soft. Cool, then strain through cheesecloth. Pour into a spray bottle, add 1 Tbsp vodka, and shake. Dilute with water if too sticky.

Nana's Egg Shampoo
1 large egg separated
3 Tbsp castile soap
In a bowl, beat egg white until foamy. Blend in yolk followed by the castile soap. Wet hair with warm water. Massage half the egg shampoo into scalp. Rinse well then massage remaining shampoo into scalp. Leave on hair about 1 min. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Egg Shampoo #2
1 egg
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp castile soap
1/2 cup water or herbal tea
Drop of fragrant essential oil of your choice (optional)
Combine all in blender and whip until smooth. Shampoo with mixture using warm, not hot water for the shampoo and rinse. Store any remaining shampoo in the refrigerator for use the next day.

Herbal Shampoo
1/4 cup of your favourite herbal tea, strongly brewed
8 oz liquid castile soap
Add soap to tea. Stir over low heat until well blended. Store in a capped bottle.


Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, and then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.


Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam (wrap with a hot damp towel) and shampoo after an hour.


Drink a glass of carrot juice to which the juice of one lime has been added along with a tablespoon of brewer's yeast mixed into it daily (damaged hair should see a difference in a week's time). This is a drink rich in vitamin A, C, and B complex. Brewers yeast is the natural and best form of B complex.


For lacklustre dry hair : 2 eggs, 1 tbsp castor oil. 1 tbsp. glycerine, 1 tsp malt vinegar, 1 tsp coconut. Apply after initial shampoo. Wash out after 1/2 an hour.

Anti-dandruff Shampoo Recipe

Rosemary works well to help with itchy scalps and for relieving dandruff.

Glass pots work best for this recipe.

1 cup of dried rosemary leaves (not stalks or other part of the rosemary) Use more or less rosemary according to personal tastes.
1 tablespoon of borax
1 quart of boiling water
10-20 Drops of Camphor

Place the dried rosemary leaves in the boiling water on a stove or heater. Bring to a boil, turn off and then steep in the pot for 6 hours. You can steep less time but the longer you steep the more concentrated the results.

Right before use add 10-20 drops of liquid camphor. You may want to start slowly since camphor can really blast open your sinuses and can make your eyes water if you inhale too much.

Store the mixture in a dark amber glass in the refrigerator. Heat just enough for your treatment. This will probably last 1 week or more. You can tell by smell.

Use a cotton ball and dip into a small cup of the liquid and saturate your itchy scalp or root area. If you prefer, wrap your hair in a plastic cup and let soap for 30 minutes.

The Rosemary scalp tonic can be applied every day or as desired. To darken hair you will need to apply as an overall rinse 3x a week.

I like to play with these types of recipes in the bathtub because it makes them so less messy. Also, rosemary is good for your skin so if it drinks into your bath big deal.

The Rosemary can also be used as all over final rinse. Use a plastic bowl to catch the liquid as it falls so you can rinse several times.

Honey On Your Hair

Honey can be used a softening agent. It is very messy & sticky so if you are going to try it, apply the honey to your hair in the shower after you have first wet your hair.

Do not shampoo first, just wet your hair w/ warm water. Squeeze excess water out and then apply the honey to your ends and dry middle hair.

Leave on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse out. You can follow with a moisturizing shampoo and rinse out conditioner

Katriannal View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2003
Posted: Jun 01, 2005 at 3:16pm
K i was NOT kiddin when i said i had tons.. i kind of feel bad fillin up posts this much.. so if you'll really do want more and dont mind me continuing.. just let me know..

niko1 View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 09, 2005
Posted: Oct 10, 2005 at 3:16pm
Cool recipes, I love this kind of stuff!

LizzieBella View Drop Down
Joined: Apr 03, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Apr 09, 2007 at 3:16pm
Smile Great Info!!!

stargazer026 View Drop Down
Joined: May 03, 2007
Location: Australia
Posted: May 31, 2007 at 3:16pm
Have you tried it with apricot oil? I find that is good and it doesnt leave it as greasy  as olive if my hairs really dry I just use a say few drops to a  quart of a tsp and rub into my hands then put through my hair 

dollywatson View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 23, 2011
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 23, 2011 at 3:16pm
You should also post recipes for head lice treatment like the usual vinegar mix.

mmmelicious View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 12, 2011
Posted: Jun 12, 2011 at 3:16pm
To combat Seborrheic dermatitis (adult cradle cap,) and extremely itchy scalp (possibly with hair thinning,) try baking soda mixed with shampoo, soaked for five minutes.  I do a normal shampoo afterward, then condition as normal.  I squirt my scalp with a 10:1 vinegar/water solution after towel drying to get rid of flakes.  I've tried rinsing with vinegar but it makes my hair extremely weak over time.  Do this routine twice a week.  Replaces expensive prescription-only shampoo for me.

This will take all the shine out of your hair and make it kind of flat and lifeless.  Also fades color fast.  So you need to counteract it with honey and oil type treatments mentioned here and regular shampoos in between.  I also do egg and oil treatment once a month.  Too much protein dries the hair of course so use egg sparingly.  You can use color enhancing conditioners to keep your color fresh.  I also only rinse with cold water!

This is a PITA, I know, but it's better than scratching your head all the time and going bald!  BTW, if you're a woman PCOS can cause this.
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