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 Wet Hair

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Kalya View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 04, 2004
Posted: Nov 04, 2004 at 10:16pm
I am curious to know what others have to say about this. I have fine hair that is partly straight and part natural curl, odd yes but that's what it is. Anyway, I generally don't like to spend much time with my hair in the morning before work so allot of times I will put it in a bun, a clip or ponytail while it is still wet. I have heard that this is not a good thing, but I'm not really sure why. If it's bad to blow dry your hair, in general, then why would it be bad to let it dry naturally even if it does take all day while up in a bun?
Also, is it better to use a pick, a big comb or a brsuh on fine hair when your hair is wet? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and feel free to email me them as well :)

AnaisSatin View Drop Down
Joined: Jun 28, 2004
Posted: Nov 04, 2004 at 10:16pm
I bun my hair wet all the time, and it seems to like it better than bunning dry, or air drying without bunning.. wet bunning prevents frizz for me, holds in the moisture for longer time.

Like clay.. when working in ceramics, you don't let clay dry too fast or it will warp/crack/etc..

Wet hair is fragile, so I don't brush it.. just use a seamless comb.

Kalya View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 04, 2004
Posted: Nov 04, 2004 at 10:16pm
Great thanks for the input

HD_EU View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Location: Europe
Posted: Dec 17, 2004 at 10:16pm
Wet hair is fragile: the 'pores' are completely open. This is why you should be very careful combing it while wet - best done while conditioner is working. Hair gets longer when it is wet. Combine these two and putting wet hair in a bun is not a good idea: the 'pores' will close very slowly, making some stay open. This makes it much more vulnerable to damage (dries out the core too much-the same can happen after perming-albeit even worse). When you put your hair wet in a bun and it dries, the hair is artifically stretched - again not such a good idea.

AnaisSatin: the longer it stays moist, the more frizz gets into it (unless you undo the bun when it is 100% dry). Removing frizz is hard work: blowdrying in the direction of the ends, use a good brush and put tension on it. Then all the 'pores' close in the right direction and the frizz disappears - until new moisture comes along. Use products with plastics (PVP most common) in it, to isolate your hair from the moisture. PVP is what makes the product work, not the stuff they tell on ads.
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