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uzma View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Apr 19, 2003 at 5:29am
I wonder if anyone can throw some light on this.

In May 2002 I started taking hair vitamins (HF37).
I took these vits till the end of 2002, and during the time I was taking them my hair grew at a rate of 1cm per month.

Now, I hadn't been measuring my growth rate prior to taking the vitamins, and because I was growing my hair out from short to long, length just seemed to "appear".

Anyway, basically, I stopped taking HF-37 at the end of the year.

Now, bearing in mind that neither my diet nor the amount of physical activity I take has changed, it is really weird that my hair growth rate has increased to 1.5 cm per month!! Weird.

I am measuring in exactly the same way.
Could it be the time of year?
Does hair grow faster in the end-Winter/start-Spring season?

Could stopping the use of sulfates on my hair have made a difference to the growth rate? It seems very unlikely.

Can anyone help with an explanation or feasible suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


princessmonica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 26, 2003
Posted: Apr 19, 2003 at 5:29am
i'm not sure if this infomation is correct uzma but i heard somewhere that seasons don't effect the growth of the hair. my hair seem to grown a lot since dec.[ i've been taking a lot more vitamins.]

Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Apr 20, 2003 at 5:29am
Hi Princess Monica,

On another topic...I meant to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding on a previous post on a different thread but somehow neglected to do that. So anyway, congrats and my apologies.

As far as this topic...there is a lot of controversy and I still have not decided who to believe although I have noticed that my hair does seem to grow faster during the summer months. Some people believe that since human hair was designed to protect the scalp from the sun, elements and other environmental nasties...that humans grow more hair in the summer months. Is that really true? I don't know.

It certainly is worth more research.

Best wishes,

princessmonica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 26, 2003
Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
[QUOTE=Karen Shelton] Hi Princess Monica,

On another topic...I meant to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding on a previous post on a different thread but somehow neglected to do that. So anyway, congrats and my apologies.
thank you karen but i think you have me confused with one of the other ladies on the board. i'm already married BUT this sat. on the 26th wil be our 1 year anniversary!

As far as this topic...there is a lot of controversy and I still have not decided who to believe although I have noticed that my hair does seem to grow faster during the summer months. Some people believe that since human hair was designed to protect the scalp from the sun, elements and other environmental nasties...that humans grow more hair in the summer months. Is that really true? I don't know.
It certainly is worth more research.
Best wishes,

i agree karen. i think hair grows faster in summer too. i read or heard that hair grows the same in all seasons. so who really knows. it could also be a person's diet too. the reason i had more hair growth in the winter is like i said i've been taking more vitamins plus i was pregnant [i had a miscarriage though ] i heard when you are pregnant can make your hair grow more. something about the blood stimulating the scalp.

princessmonica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 26, 2003
Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
[QUOTE=Karen Shelton] Hi Princess Monica,

On another topic...I meant to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding on a previous post on a different thread but somehow neglected to do that. So anyway, congrats and my apologies.

thank you karen but i think you have me confused with one of the other ladies on the board. i'm already married BUT this sat. on the 26th wil be our 1 year anniversary

As far as this topic...there is a lot of controversy and I still have not decided who to believe although I have noticed that my hair does seem to grow faster during the summer months. Some people believe that since human hair was designed to protect the scalp from the sun, elements and other environmental nasties...that humans grow more hair in the summer months. Is that really true? I don't know.
It certainly is worth more research.
Best wishes,

i agree karen. i think hair grows faster in summer too. i read or heard that hair grows the same in all seasons. so who really knows. it could also be a person's diet too. the reason i had more hair growth in the winter is like i said i've been taking more vitamins plus i was pregnant [i had a miscarriage though ] i heard when you are pregnant can make your hair grow more. something about the blood stimulating the scalp.

princessmonica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 26, 2003
Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
[QUOTE=Karen Shelton] Hi Princess Monica,

On another topic...I meant to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding on a previous post on a different thread but somehow neglected to do that. So anyway, congrats and my apologies.

thank you karen but i think you have me confused with one of the other ladies on the board. i'm already married BUT this sat. on the 26th wil be our 1 year anniversary

As far as this topic...there is a lot of controversy and I still have not decided who to believe although I have noticed that my hair does seem to grow faster during the summer months. Some people believe that since human hair was designed to protect the scalp from the sun, elements and other environmental nasties...that humans grow more hair in the summer months. Is that really true? I don't know.
It certainly is worth more research.
Best wishes,

i agree karen. i think hair grows faster in summer too. i read or heard that hair grows the same in all seasons. so who really knows. it could also be a person's diet too. the reason i had more hair growth in the winter is like i said i've been taking more vitamins plus i was pregnant [i had a miscarriage though ] i heard when you are pregnant can make your hair grow more. something about the blood stimulating the scalp.

princessmonica View Drop Down
Joined: Feb 26, 2003
Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
sorry it was the same post i just posted i couldn't get the jumpy happy face to jump at first lol

Lyris View Drop Down
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Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
Here's some information on summer vs. winter growth:

I can't verify the accuracy of this site, but it's part of the National Grid for Learning, a UK government site. It attributes increased growth to heightened vitamin D production caused by increased sunlight exposure.

Pantene's site also concurs and adds that hair grows faster while we sleep and between the ages of 16-24:

uzma View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Apr 21, 2003 at 5:29am
Thanks everyone and Lyris in particular.

I'll check out the light/temperature/vitamin D connection with the scientists at work.

Will let you know if they tell me something of value.



Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Apr 22, 2003 at 5:29am
Yes...thank you Lyris. I appreciate the links. The Vitamin D connections makes a lot of sense.

In fact, I was reading that scientists discovered that if you sit out in the sunlight every morning for 15 minutes (Vit D again) it helps your body's metabolism work faster for the rest of the day and you will burn more fat throughout the day.

There is also info that drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will speed fat burning and again, increased water consumption has also been linked to increased hair growth.

Bottom line? We all need to sit in the sun w/ minimal clothing early in the morning and drink lots of water while we do jumping jacks or situps to rev us metabolism and hair cuticles. We will all have lots of hair and smaller bodies. LOL.

Or be arrested by the police after our neighbors call to report our strange morning behaviors.

Best wishes,

uzma View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Apr 23, 2003 at 5:29am

I'm right with you on that lifestyle, Karen.

Just imagine if the major league long-hair obsessives started a cult community........

After that metabolism revving morning routine
We would all wear satin, leather, suede, silk and other hair-friendly materials.

We would work in jobs where there was no machinery for hair to get caught in - and - where we could wear it loose all day.

The longest haired individuals would be our elders and leaders (nothing to do with age). ..Jennifer Eve, Karen Marie.....

Impromptu head massages would be exchanged during the day and night - no holds barred on duration, number of participants, etc. Torture, eh...NOT.

We would help each other wash and comb and brush and braid (sigh).

oooo...I'm getting carried away with this little fantasy. Have to go to real work!!!
Must think some more about that morning routine of yours Karen.
See ya - have a great day.


Karen Shelton View Drop Down
Admin Group
Joined: Nov 26, 2000
Posted: Apr 23, 2003 at 5:29am
Hi Uzma,

Where do I sign up? Hee hee.

I agree with your thoughts of Jennifer Eve and Karen Marie (the other one) as female hair priestesses and maybe Dave Decker and Beatnik as the male hair priests? Or some other version. And I could go for the velvet, leather and lace.

Have a great day at work.

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