Hi I was wondering if anyone knows any good massage oils that will promote fast hair growth. I got this Indian herbal oil but it`s not working and I want to discontinue it if I have a better oil. Thanks.
Mariette, what do you mean by quick results (1 week?) and how much growth per month? How long did you use this method and where can I get cayenne powder? Also, if you don`t mind, how did you find out about it????Sorry for all the questions, but I find this very interesting...never heard of anything like it before!!!!
I know this post is rather old BUT I`d like to help out anyway :)
Cayenne Pepper powder is found at grocery stores in the seasoning section. I didn`t put the powder and the oil on my head personally, but I heated up the oil and the cayenne pepper (mixed) in the microwave a little bit and let the cayenne seep a little bit in the olive oil. Then I drained the powder out of the oil with a filter. (the color was a bright shade of orange much different than what the color of the olive oil is in the bottle) That is when you`re ready to put it in your hair (make sure it`s relatively cool) Message it into your scalp and be VERY careful not to get that stuff in your eyes. Cayenne pepper doesn`t joke.. it means business and like any hot pepper can leave a burning sensation in your eyes. Do not rub your eyes either when you`re puttin that stuff in.. and if it get in you eye wash your eye out with a bunch of cold water!
I left mine on for an hour and rinsed out with shampoo and then did conditioner.
I am not sure how long it will take to get fast results but.. it`s a good stimulate for your hair. :)
I plan to do this message thing again too but my mom seems to like cayenne pepper a lot and used most of it up! urgh! :P