Posted: Jan 12, 2000 at 6:27pm
Hi Cher!Isn't it funny how we sometimes don't appreciate what we've got? Curly haired women fight to straighten their hair, straight haired women perm and curl and battle to get some wave in theirs. Each has its own up and down sides and I don't know whether its old age making me more mellow or just learning to accept things for what they are but I've come to believe that its all beautiful in its own way, unique to every individual. I'd always envied women with that thick shank of hair but I've learned to accept mine now and take pride in it despite its shortcomings. Thanks for your input!Anyway, my hair story, ok, you asked for it. I was 17 going on 18 (how does one remember back that far?!!;) and I had a special event coming up so I allowed a beautician in training, a relative, who SWORE she would only trim a little bit off the ends (B**CH!)give me what was supposed to be a little touch up. Well for all my life my mother had dragged me,(and I mean that quite literally, dragged me crying and screaming 'cos she said my face was too round for long hair and I would always have to wear it short, but actually she just hated its reddish blond color because she really hated her brown color, oh NO, that's a whole other therapy session!!)anyway, dragged me to the hairdresser for those hideous and humiliating pixie cuts that look so limp and horrid with very fine hair like mine and caused me an entire childhood of self loathing, anyway, I had managed to put that behind me and by that fateful trim day so many years ago my hair had finally after much careful care, reached a bit past bra strap length and had become a central source of self esteem and personal image to me. I LOVED my hair. I considered it my best feature of my insecure teenage body. My hair was very important to me. The beautician in training KNEW this and before cutting acknowledged that she KNEW this but she still cut it nearly above my shoulders. I'll never forget the horror of looking in the mirror and seeing my hair just barely past my shoulders, not quite even able to stay pushed back behind them, running the brush through it and feeling that lack of length, feeling like I had been ROBBED, violated. I cried out loud, I cried in private. I cried for several days at the years lost to me. I know it was stupid, it was only hair everyone said, they could not understand the depth of my anger and frustration. It was a bad scene. Since then I have never allowed anyone near my hair. I don't go to salons, I don't get trims. Its not really as neurotic as is sounds, I just don't do it, don't cut it in any way. I'm not advocating such extremes for others because I know the advice is regular trims will help it grow but mine grows VERY slowly and I'm not giving up any of that hard won time to a pair of scissors again. Besides, I haven't gone out to a public place in I can't remember how many years when at least one person and usually more has walked right up and told me how lovely my hair is. Now that's not the reason I wear it so long. Its to heal and soothe my own heart, not garner attention, but I figure hey, if it ain't broke, right?!! So that's it, shoulder length to knee length in about 21 years. Not a very good growth rate, but its all the good Lord deemed my due. I'll let it grow as long as it wants, though I'm not sure what I'll do when it reaches the floor since I do like to wear it in a long loose braid and even now I have to grab that and hold it when bending over and at other times. Who knows in another 5 or 6 years I may actually HAVE to trim it! ; )End of manuscript! Cher have I ever told you how much I like you? I know we're about the same age and I've gotten to feel quite close to you on these boards over the months!That goes for all you gals out there too! I love reading about your lives, your dreams, your triumphs,!! Thank you! Enjoy what you have, long or short, full or fine, every shape, color and kind is special!Very best wishes,Dawn